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in which hand holding is mild
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you were super calm when todoroki asked you out in the middle of the cafeteria...super calm. okay so perhaps you got a little red faced but that's nothing out of the ordinary, especially with your entire table making fun of you two. ashido and kaminari were "oOooO" -ing on the side. sero, kirishima, and jirou were trying to hide their laughter, while bakugo was making it very clear this was some of the funniest shit he'd ever seen. after getting all of them, minus bakugo, to shut up, you accepted.

the plan was for you and him to leave the dorms saturday evening around six and go hang out at an arcade for a couple hours. you were both surprised and touched that he had chosen an arcade as the date location.

today was friday, so you didn't have to go through the whole "waiting in suspense" stage that you see people deal with in movies.

you've never been on a date with anyone before, and to be honest you didn't think much of it either. ashido, however, had enough pent up excitement for the both of you.

"y/nnn come on! aren't you excited for your first date?! with todoroki shouto no less!" ashido squealed, making you roll your eyes at her.

"it's really not that big of a deal mina." you replied, attempting to act careless. but to be totally honest, you had a little ashido in your heart that was just as cheerful.

"psh not a big deal my ass," ashido said, waving her hands in the air as she looked through your closet for a suitable outfit. "now then, let's find you a gorgeous outfit!"

"we're going to an arcade, how "gorgeous" do i really need to look?"

"drop dead gorgeous of course!"


the day had come for you and todoroki's date, and your nerves had started to kick in. you're not very good at showing it, but you really did like todoroki, a lot. he made you think things you've never thought and want to experience things you used to think were a waste of time. he had a weird effect on you, and you hoped that since you two were dating now, you'd be able to find out why.

ashido had left you alone about the outfit situation when she saw you were starting to get a little peeved. that's the nice thing about having ashido as a best friend, she knows when to give you space. however she did quickly lay out a nice sweater and jeans for you before she departed.

you were gently tugging on the neck of your sweater when you heard the knock on your door you'd been waiting for. rising from your bed, you went to answer.

"hi," a casual looking todoroki said when he saw you. "you look nice."

"thanks, you too!" you replied with a smile, stepping out and closing the door behind you. "we ready?" with a nod from todoroki you started on your journey to the arcade.

Amor Primus // S. Todoroki x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt