1. 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈

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~ Pov. Dream ~

It's 10 a.m. and I'm going to record something. Twitch is already loading, and on the homepage I see a boy's stream ...

Dream: GerogeNotFound ...

I did not know whether to go to his stream or start recording my own. After a while, however, I started watching his stream.

it turned out that the boy is not from America. The time difference between us was 6 hours.

I noticed that four hours passed just when the boy ended the stream.

George: Bye, have a good night

moments after Geroge finished streaming I reached for my phone and looked for a way to contact him.

Dream: I FOUND !!!

His Instagram account has almost 3m of observations ...
My hope for George to write back has decreased significantly.

Dream: <it's always worth a try ....>

"Hey George!
It's me Dream, I think you can know me. I watched your stream. He was great!!!
Maybe you would like to record something together? or at least play together "

This is the only thing I had time to write because SapNap wrote to me that he was with Karl at the Milky Flower cafe and that I was to come see them. Reluctantly, I changed my clothes and left the house.

A walk could be a good stimulus for me, so I went to the cafe on foot.

I rarely see Karl due to the fact that I don't have time, but he doesn't seem to mind, Karl and SapNap prefer to spend time together.

After walking 3 km I was thirsty so I ordered coffee and a piece of cake .

I'm always stupid to be with SapNap and Karl, but also can't be home all the time etc.

When we left the cafe, we decided to go for ice cream and to the park. of course I have to go back and I hate it, but it has also been worse so I can't argue with SapNap or anything like that.


SapNap and Karl went to the gallery and didn't even notice when I went home. I felt stupid when Nicki and Karl crashed about things I don't understand, and at the same time I felt like a crutch, but I could see SapNap didn't want to upset me with not going anywhere together. We are the best friends after all.

when I got home it was already 4 p.m. George still didn't write me back.
I even forgot that it is late at night.
Not knowing what to do with myself, I started planning things that I could do in the near future.

dream: <Maybe if George agrees we will play on a shared server with SapNap, if he wants, I can try to start a group of people from all over the world and we will be able to play and chat together>.

*A moment of silence*

dream: The problem may only be in finding people, but there are popular people and finding them won't be such a problem ... I guess ...


Yes it's necessary chapter, but stand still !!!
If you've read "Info" then you know that everything is in the universe not at all truthful, and in this case there is no DSMP yet.
All in good time.
if anyone thinks a book is not the best then I want to say that this is just the beginning and I want to do the rest of this book based on the beginnings so that everything is clear.
I hope the chapter was quite long and quite livable :) .

𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒑 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆// 𝑫𝒏𝒇  𝑬𝑮Where stories live. Discover now