∆Chapter∆ 15

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Annie POV.
Days passed too damn slow. It hasn't even been two days since we kidnapped him. Everyone is panicking especially the Survey Corps. We didn't do much these few days. Most of them were spend gossiping about what happened. Well more like listening to gossip. Reiner was desperately trying to send letters back but to no avail. No response came back and he sent well over 20 by now. It probably won't even work since he used some weak ass birds for transport. They always came back but the replies never did. We agreed that if we don't get a reply in a week we'll have to think of something else. Waiting was nerve wracking. Some stupid kid or even a drunk could just beat up the guards or go there when they aren't there and just wonder off into the dungeon and find Eren. We couldn't afford to wait for too long.

Time that passed was boring but relaxing. We often snuck out just like in our cadet years. Watched stars, ate doughnuts and fooled around where no one could see us. It was good, I would almost miss these years when I come back...almost. We were walking by the river, watching the sun reflect itself on the water. Mikasa was looking up at the sky as some birds flew by. We were walking to our agreed place of meeting. Today was the last day of our agreement to think of a new plan. We were all getting desperate. The destination we picked was some old abandoned house in a shitty neighborhood. We walked in and were met with Reiner and Bertholdt. We closed the door and all of the curtains. We sat a a circular table and began discussing. Half way through the meeting I felt something squiz my hand a little. I looked down and saw Mikasa's hand on mine. I looked up at her and nodded. Then I cut off whatever Reiner had to say.
"Oi, Mikasa has something to say."I said. They looked at her and nodded.
"If none of the replies came back our best option is to take him back to the dock."she said.
"And how do we do that without getting noticed?"Reiner said.
"One of you should transom, I don't think it really matters if they see you by now."
"And what do we do when we get back to the dock? There's no guarantee even my titan would be enough to cross the entire ocean."
"We could build a boat and when your titan hits the limit we use it instead."
"That... doesn't seem too bad actually."Reiner said.
"We could start the preparations now. We could build it in a few days, couldn't we?"I said.
"Well if we started right now we could." Bertholdt said.
"But we would need to build it outside since there's no way we could transport it from here."Reiner said.
"Okay, let's do it like this. Mikasa and I will build it outside and well sent you a letter when we're done. We will transport it with my titan and when you receive the letter wait for night to strike and transport Eren to the dock."I said.
They thought for a moment.
"Yeah, that'll work..."Reiner started.
"Hopefully..."and Bertholdt finished.
"It's settled then!"Mikasa said.
We said our goodbyes and went back to our separate rooms while those two reunited with the Survey Corps. Mikasa and I agreed to meet tomorrow at dawn and go out. Hitch wished me a goodnight and I did the same to her.

I was up before the sun rays hit my window. I got dressed and looked at Hitch's sleeping body on the top bunk. My expression softened and I kissed her forehead, leaving a note saying I won't come back in a couple of days. I met with Mikasa and we took off the same rode as before. We traveled most of the morning and came back to the forest we kidnapped him from. It was quiet and peaceful. If you dismiss the titans. I transformed and started destroying the trees. I then used a rock I previously sharpened to cut them into planks, tossing them to Mikasa. We stole some metal bars from the carriages to use. I held them in place while she connected the planks to them. The boat needed to be quite big and we needed to improvise a little at certain parts, but it was starting to take shape after two days. After the base was done the rest was more or less easy. We finished the entire thing in two more days. It seemed safe enough so we trusted it would serve the purpose. The letter I sent to Reiner most likely arrived by now. We arrived at the dock when the sun began to to down. I set Mikasa and the boat on the little wall and left my titan on the sand. I then got up as well. I looked at the sun disappearing into the big ocean. I pointed a finger at it.
"There, beyond the ocean. Lays our home."I said. Mikasa was right by my side, smiling.
"We will be there soon."she said. I nodded and sat down, waiting for those idiots to arrive... But they never did. Not after the moon was up at the sky...Not when it was close down to the ground... Not when the sun began to take the moons face. I grunted.
"Where the fuck are these two!?"
Mikasa was asleep beside me for hours now. I shook her awake only when I saw a red and dirty yellow silhouette coming towards us. It collapsed right where my titan had been hours ago. I didn't move for a couple of minutes before it got it's mouth up to release what it was hiding in it. We expected Bertholdt and Eren. But instead, to our surprise, out came Ymir and Bertholdt. We were shocked, Mikasa already grabbed one of the blades. Ymir looked up at us in surprise. That's when we finally noticed it. She had shifter marks under her eyes. We looked at her in horror now.
"Y-You...!?"I could muster up the words.
"What me!? You!?"she said pointing at me.
"You're the female titan!? And what in whole hell are you doing here!?"she said pointing at Mikasa.
"Don't you switch the topic!You are the titan who ate Marcel!?"Mikasa said back to her.
"No shit honey!"
I looked at Reiner who just came out of the nape. He looked defeated.
"What the fuck is the meaning of this."I said. He fell on his knees beside Bertholdt.
"We...we didn't think the MP's and the Survey Corps would be all around the city...due to they're Commanders execution preparations..."he said in between deep breaths. He was pale as fuck too.
"They...they caught us when we were crossing the gate...that moved quickly and-"he looked like he was gonna pass out.
"They caught up to us near wall Rose...we-...we could make it pass the wall with him..."
"But...we managed to find a-and retrieve the J-Jaw titan."Bertholdt finished.

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