2. Flashback (2 )

Start from the beginning

Her Dad answered on the first ring. 

"Hello," he said, sounding shaken.

"Daddy, it's me. I'm ok."

"Mols, thank God.  We've been beside ourself with worry.  Are you hurt?" he asked, his voice crackling with emotion.

"Couple of broken ribs, broken wrist, bruising. Just minor things. I've got all winter to recover.  I hear my car wasn't so lucky though. Hope there's a scrapyard nearby."

"Mollie don't even joke about it.  You could have been killed."

"I'm sorry Dad, but if I don't joke I'll just break down and cry."

"Oh Mols.  Do you want me to fly out? I can be on the next flight out."

"No, it's fine. Seb's here with me and I'll be flying home soon."

"Are you still in the hospital?"

"Yeah. They said they'll probably keep me overnight for observations."

"Have you heard anything about the other drivers?"

"Sophia has broken her leg. I haven't heard about the others." 

"That mad Russian bitch needs banning. She's crazy."

"Dad, just leave it. I just want to rest. I'm sure I'll be angry enough later but for now I'm just tired. I love you.  Love to Mum and Jude."

"Love you too Mollie Moo."

Mollie disconnected and handed Seb's phone back to him.  She closed her eyes tightly, trying to stop the tears from falling.

"Baby, I'm here."

"Please can you try and find out how the others are?"

"I will do but I don't want to leave you."

"I'm going to try and have a sleep."   

"I'm not leaving you.  I'll be here."

There was no answer.  Either she'd fallen asleep faster than anyone he'd ever known or she was ignoring him.  He tried not to take it personally.  He knew she was going through something intense. 

Her breathing soon slowed down, she had definitely fallen asleep.  He took his phone out and noticed a text from Britta.

Britta:  Emilia Koskinen has a broken collar bone. Otherwise she's ok.  No news on Annette or Elena.  I've seen the update on Sophia. How's Mollie? Any news ?x

Seb:  That's a relief about Emilia.  I'm with Mollie now.  She's sleeping.  She's ok.  Broken ribs, broken wrist, severe bruising, mild concussion.  She'll be fine. Needs a lot of TLC x

Britta:  thank God. Give her my love when she wakes. X

There was a tap on the door and Matthew popped his head around.

"Hey, how is she? The docs updated me on her injuries. I mean in herself."

"Hard to tell. She's worried about the others."

"Naylor updated about Emilia."

"Britta told me.  No news on Elena or Annette though?"

"Nothing. I know they were still working on them after the other three were brought here."

"I hope they're ok.  I know it was Elena's fault but still..."

Both men fell silent.  They both knew how bad it looked. 

"I'm going to go and see Sophia now.  I'll pop back later to see Mollie when she wakes up.  First I'm going to call Cassie and get her to release a statement.  Stop any speculation."

Seb nodded. "I'm staying here. I'm not leaving her. I'm not racing tomorrow, no matter what Otmar says."

Matthew nodded and left the room.  Seb picked up Mollie's hand again.  No one was dragging him away from her.  He was where he had to be. 


Cassie and Joel were sat in hospitality. It was really late but both knew they wouldn't be able to sleep.  Cassie was waiting to hear how Mollie was. She was desperately worried about her friend. 

Finally her phone rang. Matthew Thorne.

"Hello, Matthew how is she?" she asked tearfully.

" Cass calm down. She's fine. Some injuries but nothing life threatening. Broken ribs, broken wrist, bruising. She'll be ok."

"Thank God," Cassie gasped with relief. 

"Any word from Ferrari?"

"No.  Matthew I'm afraid it doesn't look good.  It took a long time to transport them to hospital."

"I guess we just have to hope and pray for them.  Goodnight Cassie. Hopefully tomorrow will bring good news. "

Cassie hoped so.  She couldn't stand Elena but she never wished this on her. And Annette.  Annette wasn't so bad.  She was actually quite nice when she wasn't with Elena. 

Joel took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "Come on Cassie. Let's go get some sleep ."

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