Chapter 2

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Words, fucking words.

Pointless fucking books filled with shitty fairytales that don't even happen.

The library, god I hate it here. I'm only here because they are.

What a bookworm, and yet I love it.

Just looking at them, curled up into a ball, mind lost, eyes in a different place, seeing a scene that we can only imagine.

Yes words might be fucking pointless. But they're so so powerful without even trying.

One day, I know I'll get the courage to go over and ask what book they're reading, and whether it's good or not.

Alex knows I'm close to having the confidence, work has definitely helped. The little coffee shop on the corner of Browning Street, talking to the customers and shit. It's boring but it pays.

My phone pings, "one new text from Alex" I open the notification, hey man, i know you're in the library again doing your creepy stalker thing 😂 just go say hi, YOLO, also, see you at the gates after school.

I ping a quick message back, piss off bro, but if I do it will you leave me alone?

Hell yeah, came the reply.

Fuck it. I'll do it.

"This is the worst idea I've ever had," I muttered to myself as I got up and walked over.

"Hey," I say, not knowing where to look.

"Hi, what's wrong?" A questioning look came from that pretty face.

"Nothing, just saying hey and checking in, I love that book," I say.

"You read?," a tone of suprise kicks the pitch of their voice 2 notches higher.

"I- uh- yes I do read, sometimes, not all the time but you know uh, every so often," god I want to kick myself, why am I so nervous to talk to them?!

"Well I read a lot, I don't know if you've noticed but this is like the 5th time I've read Harry Potter." There's an excitement in their voice that I've never heard before.

God they're so cute.

And I have noticed, I notice every single thing about them, the way their freckles only come out after an hour in the sunshine and disappear after an hour in the rain.

The way their eyes change colour based on emotion. A honey gold yellow when they're happy and smiling. The deepest amber when they're mad, almost black with emotion and hate.

"Really? Huh, you must like Harry Potter a lot then," I say with a laugh, a genuine laugh.

Holy shit, I've spoken to them for 2 minutes and I'm fucking laughing for the first time in years.

What is wrong with me?

"I love Harry Potter actually, who's your favourite character? Mines Luna, she's just really different and happy," she looks at me expectantly, like what the fuck am I supposed to say?! I don't know shit about Harry Potter.

"Snape," I say, "I think he had the most character development, the way he was portrayed as a bad guy all the way through but in reality he was just doing what he thought best for everyone and trying to help Draco and Harry."

"Well that was precise," a giggle escapes their mouth, "I agree with you though, Snape is one of the interesting ones."

I smile, glad that my answer was right.

"Well I gotta go and meet my friend, I'll speak to you some other time?" I ask, silently praying.

"Yeah I'd love that, you seem really nice," the reply was accompanied by a warm smile.

"Okay, well, bye." I grin like an idiot and walk off with my heart pounding in my chest.

It's confirmed.

I'm a fucking simp now.

Word count - 608

I hate how I wrote this but they needed an icebreaker I'm sorry 💀💀

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