" Next time I'll invite you to come eat with us Koichi. "

   ' What? ' Josuke thought.

   " Sounds good! " Koichi said, smiling.

   ' Well, there goes our alone time when we go our to eat. '

Beside you, two police cars drove by with their lights on. They were speeding to get to their location fast, and you knew something was going on somewhere.

   " What's going on? " Koichi asked.

   " Maybe, it's some kind of accident. Wanna go and check it out? " Josuke asked us.

   " Sure. "

   " Let's go then boys. " I said.

We started to jog and follow the speeding police cars. We jogged until they stopped in front of a convenience store. Two police officers got out of their cars and stood in front of the store, blocking people from going inside. We stopped jogging, and I stepped forward a little into the crowd to hear what the officer had to say.

   " This are isn't safe. You need to get back right now. "

   " It's absolute chaos over here. " Koichi said.

   " Some man went to rob that convenience store and he's taken the female employee hostage. " The old woman said with a smile.

Josuke looked back at me and pointed at the old lady, whose back was already turned to us, and raised an eyebrow. I shrugged my shoulders and held up a finger to the side of my head, and moved it in a circular motion. I didn't want to tell him I thought the lady was insane while she was there, so I just gestured it to him.

   " Look, they're coming out. " Someone in the crowd said.

We looked back towards the convenience store and saw that the man was coming out, but he had the female employee pressed to his side with a knife to her throat.

   ' I know this is a drastic situation, but why isn't he wearing a shirt? '

The kidnapper had on a fancy light blue jacket with the cuffs colored a darker shade of blue, but it wasn't buttoned at all, revealing that he had no shirt on. He had fancy white pants with white shoes, and he held the employee's hands with one of his.

   ' He looks a little like someone whose in the mafia, but he would be the one sitting down and ordering everyone to do everything while he threatened them with a gun. '

   " Freeze! Put down the knife! "

   " Just let the girl go! "

   " Shut up! And get the hell back! All of you! "

   " Hey, I recognize that lady! She's been my cashier a couple of times. " Koichi said.

   " Judging by his eyes, if he actually snaps, he'll kill her without any hesitation. " Josuke replied.

Josuke placed a hand on my shoulder, and I could feel his tight grip on my clothes. 

   ' If anything happens he's planning on pulling me behind him and away from the situation. He's always like this with these type of situations. He'll get me out first before himself. '

   " Last chance! Get out of the way! I'm getting in the car and leaving! " He yelled, waving his knife around at everyone in the crowd.

Everyone took a step back, and Josuke lightly pulled me away from in front of him and to his side. I looked through the crowd and spotted the old lady. She was still smiling and lightly clapping her hands.

I Will Protect You (Josuke x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now