Chapter 8 - Lost and Found

Start from the beginning

Tiffany told Sunny what she saw, which made the latter look at Taeyeon with her face full of guilt and looking apologetic.

"Tiffany...Really?" Taeyeon looked at her with a sarcastic smile and walked out of the classroom.

"Taeyoon!" Sunny yelled after her.


"Are you really, ok?" Sunny asked while they sat down with their food.

"I needed it, it helped comb my messy hair, plus she said I was hot." Taeyeon smiled sheepishly.

"Taeyoon!!" Sunny whined.

"Alright! I am fine, I am fine times 100."

"If you say so." Sunny smiled slightly and sighed, knowing she won't get a more reassuring answer than that.

"So, are you going to look for the magazine?" Tiffany asked Taeyeon.

"If I stumble upon something, yeah," Taeyeon replied simply.

"But wouldn't it be good if you find it?"

"Not really. Probably some greedy kid took it and I doubt they would return it. It's not school property, so even if I don't find it, they can't do anything to me."

"Ah, Taeyoon, but that was supposed to be your gift! You should find it. Or at least show that you are interested in finding it! Or else you will look really bad in front of Mr. Lim." Tiffany tried to convince Taeyeon to put in some effort. "You won't do well if you get on his bad side, everyone in the school knows that."

"Tiffany has a point." Sunny agrees with Tiffany. "Don't forget that he is our literature teacher too."

"Fine." Taeyeon sighed, here are more things added to her to-do list, when all she wants to do is work on her own things.

"That's not the right attitude. Come on! I will help, we can be a team of investigators!" Tiffany said, trying to motivate the small team of three.

"What's there to investigate? We just need to wait for that person to make a move."

"Huh?" Tiffany and Sunny looked at Taeyeon confused.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do you expect that person to tell you where it is?"

"But we can start looking for clues, find out who was close to the office..." Tiffany suggested but was cut off.

"We all know, if this were a plot, it's most likely aimed at me. Even Jessica said that. All we need to do is to wait for them to make a move. If no one makes a move, then it's just some random kid who likes BoA took their chance and snatched it." Taeyeon explained her reasoning.

"You say it so easily, but how do you know? What if it's too late by then? Taeyoon, I don't get how are you not worried by this..." Partly why Tiffany is so worried was because she remembered that Jessica came back to the classroom late yesterday. Additionally, there's that incident last Friday. However, it's hard for her to tell her the real reasons because it would be accusing her own friend. She thinks that Jessica must have her reasons too. On the other hand, she doesn't want to see Taeyeon get hurt either and it makes her anxious that Taeyeon is so oblivious. The only thing she can do is encourage Taeyeon to put in some effort.

"It's just a magazine? What can she plot with a damn book?"

"Everything starts from small things, and over time it grows into something big." Tiffany is starting to get more upset by Taeyeon's careless attitude.

It's making Sunny anxious as well. "Then what is your plan Taeyoon?"

"I already said, we are waiting," Taeyeon said as she ate another spoonful of her food.

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