Chapter 6 - Face Full of Water

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A few days have passed, and it is now Friday. Sunny had experienced the most eventless week so far, despite the fake forum post that happened earlier that week. She knew Jessica didn't bother her as much because Tiffany was back. And Tiffany's interest in Taeyeon had also kept Jessica in a distance. However, Sunny knew Jessica would not let the events that had happened on Tuesday go. Because she never loses. If it's something that she wants to happen, she will make it happen. If not, she always find a way to get back at you.

Today Tiffany decided to stay behind to study since she didn't think she did well on her exam and Friday was the perfect time to review while everything is still fresh in her head. Thus, Sunny knew Jessica might target them again from her past experiences. Sunny wasn't worried for herself, but she felt anxious for Taeyeon. Because of the events that had happened between her and Jessica, Jessica might do something really bad to her. In spite of all that, Sunny was too afraid to do anything, so she just prayed that Taeyeon was safe.

You are such a weakling, Sunny. Taeyeon's words echoed in her head.


After school, Tiffany decided to stay and study for a bit longer, since Sunny was successful in helping her make progress.

Walking down the hallways to get to the library, Tiffany recalled her time with Taeyeon this week. From occasionally hanging with her during lunch, she noticed that the girl was really smart. Although Tiffany was getting tutored by Sunny, when the latter could not figure out a problem, she went to ask Taeyeon. Taeyeon would solve the problem in a snap and unlike Tiffany, Sunny could understand the solution once Taeyeon showed her the answer.

She noticed that Jessica did not like Taeyeon, sometimes she would intentionally bump into the girl. One time Jessica even knocked the textbooks out of Taeyeon's hands for no reason. Tiffany guessed it was because Jessica disliked Taeyeon for finishing the exam before her, because she knows her best friend can be competitive at times. Tiffany tried consoling her best friend by telling her that Taeyeon might have just guessed some parts because she didn't get enough time to study and no way she can score higher than her. In the end, she stopped talking about talking about Taeyeon with her, because even herself did not want to risk facing Jessica's wrath.

After seeing Taeyeon's interactions with Jess and her reactions, she realizes that Taeyeon to be the most interesting girl she has ever met. Not only did Taeyeon not mind Jessica's behaviour, but she would also always make some witty remark that leave Jessica speechless. It was the first time for her to see someone who was not intimidated by Jessica's character.

Taeyeon always acts all cool and cheerful, like she is interested in everything she encounters. When she is with her, Taeyeon would talk about many different topics. She talked about all the video game she played, movies she watched and some interesting things she learned online. Tiffany realized how well Taeyeon can explain things if she puts her mind to it and is actually interested in the topic. During one lunch period, she talked about how things worked in her favorite video game, the terms were very technical and hard to understand, but she made it so that even Tiffany was intrigued. Tiffany, who had never touched a single video game. She thought if Taeyeon could tutor her the same way in her schoolwork, then she would become an 'A' student in no time.

However, Tiffany did notice an odd vibe around the short girl, she seemed different from other students, but familiar to her. She had nice skin, nice posture and despite being impatient with her and constant battling with Jess, Taeyeon also had nice manners. No matter how careless sometimes Taeyeon acts, Tiffany knew these qualities all too well. She was Jessica's best friend after all, and she remembered all the mannerisms her best friend had in her fancy large house. There's that and also Taeyeon's steadiness of mind, it's like some of these habits and traits were drilled into her ever since she was very little. The more she thought, the more curious she becomes about the new girl.

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