Chapter 1 - A New Beginning

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The next morning, the family brought Taeyeon back to the hospital.

Taeyeon didn't know why she was where she was and how she got there. She can't even recall her parents nor her own name.

"Doctor, will you examine her again. Last night, we tried to ask her about what happened, the poor child couldn't even recall her own name."

The doctor turned his attention to Taeyeon and examined her once again. He checked her eyes and rechecked her bandaged up body for any additional injuries. After a few presses on her body to make sure there is no pain or discomfort, he turned back to the husband and wife.

"From an initial analysis, due to the trauma to her head, severe stress and anxiety, she may have amnesia."

"Amnesia...When will she get better?" Mrs. Im asked the doctor worryingly.

"She might recover after a few days, but that might also not be the case. She might be like this for the rest of her life."

"Doctor!" Mr. Im interrupted, "How can you be this irresponsible? How can you say that she will be like this for the rest of her life so easily? Are you saying that we can raise her to an adult, and she can suddenly remember everything? What if she forgets about us after and just leaves!? Can't you tell us what she can remember?"

The doctor looked at him firmly in the eye, "I do not have the answers to your questions on how her condition might turn out. The best advice I can give you right now, is to be emotionally prepared."

"What!?" Mr. Im was about to pull the doctor from leaving, but his wife stopped him. He looked anxiously at his wife; eyebrows furrowed. "You heard him, right darling? The child might turn out to be an idiot and does not know anything. Please tell me you have changed your mind!"

Mrs. Im ignored her yammering husband and knelt in front of Taeyeon.

Despite being only 8 years old, Taeyeon understood what they talked about, and it somehow scares her of how aware of her memory loss she was. Deep down she felt this situation to be ridiculous—why couldn't she remember anything, why doesn't she feel confused or frightened? Instead, she felt relief and it was like whatever that was weighing her down had finally lifted itself off her shoulders. She welcomed this change subconsciously.

She understood that the husband was a dick, and the wife was caring somewhat, and Yoona did whatever 7-year-olds did.

"Child, listen carefully, your name is Im Taeyoon. From now on you are part of our family, and Yoona will be your sister." She smiled widely at her and brushed her fingers through her fine short hair.

Taeyeon blinked and merely nodded, it's not like she is going to raise herself. As for the name, it had some familiarity to it, so she silently agreed.

"Our family? What family? I have not agreed to this!" The husband said incredulously.

"Im-Tae-yoon." Taeyeon said giving the agitated husband the side-eye. Annoy you to death. She smiled subtly, like those evil antagonists you see in dramas.

Noticing the unsettling glance from the young girl, Mr. Lim had whatever words he wanted to say stuck in his mouth. He did not expect to witness the expression on the face of an 8-year-old child, immediately turning away.

"Yes, your name is Im Taeyoon." Her adoptive mother smiled happily, ignoring her crazy husband.

Mr. Im knitted his eyebrows together and patted his burning forehead with his palm, feeling frustrated by his wife's rash decision.


A month later.

"Tae, Yoona, come down for breakfast!" Mrs. Im shouted from the kitchen.

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