!Chapter 1!

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I never claimed to be a writer, never said I could. In fact, I was just mad that theres no Benimaru x reader fanfics anywhere. Sorry for any spelling mistakes😅 when I get my laptop I'll probably write more cause typing this much hurts my hands😭

THIS STORY CONTAINS SWEARING!! If you're uncomfortable with that, I encourage you to leave. I'm not sure if there will be a lot but I will put in cussing

TW! May contain mentions of abuse and dr*ging,dr*gs and alcohol addiction

Y/N = Your name
S/N = Sisters name
F/N = Fathers name

In this story your father is going to be an asshole and your mother isn't around anymore (shes not dead she just left)

I'm just going to use random persons name for your best friend, you can change it if you'd like. I personally have no friends and struggle with finding names to use😗✌


I silently cringe at the loudness of the doorbell. I was standing at the stove top making breakfast for myself and (s/n). I walk over to the door. But before I could even touch the doorhandle, the door swung open hitting me in the face. Standing on wooden platform with slight splinters sticking out of the wooden deck (cause ya know houses are expensive af and we broke😂) was Fuze, my guildmaster.

I start to feel a warm liquid spill out of my nose. "What do you want Fuze?" I said coldly as I hold my nose to keep it from bleeding onto the floor. I was still standing behind the door against the wall. He walked in and moved the door from out of my face. I moved out from where I was previously standing and grabbed a paper towel and put it up to my nose, making sure to keep pressure on it.

"Oh, I didn't realize you were right by the door. I thought you were still in bed." Fuze replied quite shocked. I took offense to this but decided to ignore it.

"And what did I do to deserve your most humble presence." I mumbled sarcastically. Nope, guess I'm still mad. I didn't even realize it. I quickly rolled my eyes when he tried to act hurt by what I said. I was now standing back in front of my stove top again finishing up the bacon that was cooking. I grabbed the spatula that was sitting on the stove and flipped the pancakes after cooking them in a very little bit of syrup and butter. I grabbed the bacon with the tongs (I think that's what their called??) and placed it on the plates that were sitting on the table. I turned around and grabbed two pancakes and placed them on my sister's place. Then grabbed the other two and placed them on my plate. Fuze had already sat at the table. I turned back to him and saw him eating my food.

"Ya know these are pretty good..." he said with his mouth stuffed. Then grabbed another pancake and ate it. "I'm surprised..I never thought you'd be able to cook." he continued on

"OI WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" I quickly snatched the plate out of his hand but by the time I got it out of his hand he had eaten almost all of it. He then smirked at me almost like he was trying to mock me.

"Oh thank you. I see your finally being more caring towards your elders" he said. I sighed and grabbed (S/N)'s plate and walked down the hallway and knocked on her door. I heard her grumble something before hearing the bed creak and footsteps approaching the door. When the door finally opened (s/n) was standing at the door. She looked very tired and wasnt quite sure what was going on. When she finally looked up she saw the food and went to try to grab it.

"Ah ah" I said pulling the food away from her. "You have to come eat it in the kitchen" she looked at you and quickly walked out to the kitchen.

"What's Fuze doing here? Do you have another quest or something?" (S/n) asked quickly as she sat down at the table and started to eat when I put the plate down in front of her.

"Actually she does. I came here to ask if she'd like to take a job quest." (S/n) slightly giggled, almost like she thought of something funny.

"Are you able to tell me or is it top secret?" (S/n) slightly stretched the word secret.

"Wow are you a psychic or something?" Fuze said sarcastically. (S/n) rolled her eyes then went back to eating. I left the guild a while ago but I still do quests for them if they ask. Mainly because Fuze has been like our father figure after our father got arrested for child abuse. Our mother was smart enough to leave before his dr*g problem got really bad. He preformed experiments on me and my sister. He injected us with different types of dr*gs and see how they would affect us.

Since our mother was a demon that took the form of a human, we got some of those genes. I don't remember much from those. That was mainly because he would beat me severely after his experiments so we wouldn't remember what he used.

My sister remembers what happened to her in clear detail. We never really talk about it because we dont want to trigger any unwanted memories.

Fuze doesnt live with us though. Since I'm 19, I'm legally aloud to take care of (s/n). I joined the Blumund guild to earn money for me and (s/n). She also works but doesn't make that much because shes only 15.

"So what's this quest about again?" I ask with curiosity. I haven't been asked to do a quest in quite a while but money is money.

"Right, there's this new monster town in the Forest of Jura. I have already met with the leader of the town but I want you to go there temporally. Just to make sure we have absolutely nothing to be worried about. And of course if (s/n) wants to come as well she may." Fuze put the last part in quickly to dispel and worries I may have. (S/n) quickly looked up from her food in shock, nearly choking on her food.

"You want me to go with too?" (S/n) asked in utter disbelief.

"Well I'm not sure how long (y/n) may be there. I would offer to take care of you myself but I have to do meeting with other towns." He replied while eyeing (s/n)'s food. She noticed this and guarded her food with her arm.

"I wouldn't mind going there, but do you have an estimate on how long I'd be there?" I asked while cleaning up around the living room.

"I'm not sure, maybe a year or so?" I quickly shot my head towards him along with (s/n). I dropped the blanket I was holding.

"A year? You want us to stay there for a fucking year?!" I raised my voice slightly.


Heyy! It's me again. This story probably wont get any people to read it ;-; Anywho, give me feedback

Was it good?

Did it make sense or was it all over the place?

See you in the next chapter!!

Finished on Friday July 30th 2021 at 1:29pm at 1273 words

Benimaru x Fem! reader That time I got reincarnated as a slimeWhere stories live. Discover now