Chapter 5- bubbles and troubles

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The car ride to Freddy's was quiet, I kept glancing at William nervously.

'You're just jumping to conclusions
y/n! Pull yourself together!'

I looked over at William again, this time making eye contact.
I quickly looked away. Eye contact has never been my thing.

Afton smirked and looked back at the road.
"If you've got something to say darling just say it."

"No, I'm good!" I panicked

"Aw come on y/n I don't bite~" he hummed in amusement

'I'm pretty sure you do..'
I fumbled around with my hands, a nervous habit- "I just wanted to, uh, ..thank you for your hospitality! Yeah! That's the word!" I laughed, looking down at my hands.

He raised a brow, "For someone so grateful you seem quite jittery."

We pulled into the parking lot and he turned off the engine.
I immediately got unbuckled
"Well would you look at that, we're here!"

William grabbed your wrist and looked into your eyes.
His eyes were a very pretty silver, flicking back and forth ever so slightly, as if he was searching for something in your gaze.

I swallowed feeling a small pit of fear grow in my stomach.

A smirk tugged at his lips and a small wisp of purple shown in his eyes.
It's as if he's found what he was looking for.

You looked away and took his hand off your wrist.

He hummed. "Come now darling, it would be quite unfortunate if you were late on your first day."

With that you both got out of the car and went into the building.

You cringed as you felt the sticky air hit your skin and a putrid scent filled your nose.

'I have a lot of work to do..'
William went straight to his office without another word to you.

I sighed and looked around for the janitors closet.
'I don't think anyone else is here yet.'
After failing at navigating the back rooms I bit my lip and threw my hands in the air with frustration.

"I guess I have no other choice.."
I made my way over to William's office.

I hesitated, then knocked on the door.

No response.

I knocked again.


"I could've sworn I saw him come in here." I mumbled.
I opened the door, the lights were off.
"Afton?" I called out.


I entered the room and stumbled around, feeling for a light.

My foot caught on the rug and I tripped, hitting my forehead on something, probably the bookshelf.

"Fucking hell-" I touched my forehead and felt liquid.
'Great, now I'm bleeding.'

The door slammed shut and I jumped.

"Afton? Afton this isn't funny!" I scooted up against the bookshelf.

"҈Y҈o҈u҈ n҈e҈e҈d҈ t҈o҈ r҈u҈n҈ y҈/҈n҈"҈
"҈G҈o҈ b҈a҈c҈k҈ t҈o҈ t҈h҈e҈ p҈i҈t҈!҈"҈
"҈Y҈o҈u҈'҈r҈e҈ r҈u҈n҈n҈i҈n҈g҈ o҈u҈t҈ o҈f҈ t҈i҈m҈e҈!҈"҈

"What are you talking about?!" I yelled, clearly distressed.
"҈s҈a҈v҈e҈ y҈o҈u҈r҈s҈e҈l҈f҈!҈"҈

"҈i҈t҈s҈ t҈o҈o҈ l҈a҈t҈e҈ f҈o҈r҈ u҈s҈ n҈o҈w҈.҈.҈.҈.҈"҈

Robots don't sigh - William Afton x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now