Chapter 54

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The whole mansion was filled with joy. This was the first time both the sons of Dev Barman family would be present on their birthday, the only thing that reminded every year that even after all these they somehow still were the twin brothers. Savitri ji was way too busy arranging everything and hosting the guests and Ambika kept on assisting her with everything.

The Puja was still going on back at the temple. She needed to go back to the temple and help Purohit ji as well. But with so many things to deal with she had no other options but to send Ashok with a few of the necessary items that might be needed for the completion of the Puja.

"Take these to baba and come back immediately. I won't really be able to manage everything alone you know." Ambika pleaded.

"No problem." Ashok responded.

"By the way, have you seen Pratap anywhere? It's his birthday too dada. He should be eating the prasad as well. And also if you see him somewhere don't act all rude and all, if possible.... wish him. He feels lonely." She adds sincerely.

"I don't get it. Why do you always keep concerning yourself about him? You can't keep caring about everyone's feelings Amu." Ashok said.

"I asked nothing difficult from you dada. Just a little politeness will do. He deserves that much. After that incident I didn't talk to him unless needed but I have felt him wanting my company, or anyone else's for that matter. Today is a special day for him, don't ruin it please." She pleaded while handing him the thaali for Puja.

"Fine. I'll behave." Ashok said and turned around to leave.

Ashok was about to leave when Aditya came down frowning and asked,

"Sorry, but who is wanting whose company?"

"No one. Amu, didn't you need to take this dumbass somewhere? Do that. I'll see you both later." With that said Ashok left.


"Stand straight and stop bothering me, will you? I don't understand, what are you? A kid?" Ambika scolded as she kept on striving with the dhoti Aditya needed to wear and he somehow enjoyed playing with her curls or drawing circles on her shoulders or even blowing air into her hair, making the work all the more difficult while she was at that. He loved doing that, disturbing her to the limit where she got all red with anger. He found it adorable.

She was about to lose control and shout on him when he suddenly blurted out expectantly,

"Am I forgiven yet?"

That took her off guard. She took a deep breath and kept on adjusting the dhoti. But suddenly her hands were enveloped in his as he continued saying,

"Please don't give me this silent treatment Amu. Slap me, shout on me, scold me, do what you used to do, do whatever you want to do, but not this. I regret, I regret hurting you more than anything. I regret not listening to you when you said I needed to get a grip on my anger. But see me, I am working on it. I am trying to better myself. I promise I'll make you proud. Just give me my old Ambika back. I want nothing else."

"I need more time for that. You broke my trust Aditya and I really need enough time to fix it." She responded without looking at his eyes.


"Where is Pratap? He needs to be here while I serve the prasad. Both of them should be eating that together." Savitri ji uttered.

"I saw him walking towards the woods this morning." One of the servants responded.

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