Chapter 7 - Reconnecting

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         The Portal Finally drops us off in Starlight City , Everything looks so bright & Shiny. They added more very tall buildings & More flying cars  also regular cars. "YO ZERO , JACK & ECHO Over here" Onyx shouts as he stands with Electra , Izak & Sanahh , "Wassup gang it's really been 4 years I missed y'all it was terrible out there" I say. I'm looking at Everyone's Clothes they're so expensive and nice looking while I literally have on baggy ass orange jail pants & Black lace less shoes. Luckily the first place we were going was the store to get some new clothes , "Get some new clothes y'all it's on me"Onyx says in a happy tone.

We all buy some new clothes and get changed , Echo she puts on some dark green Cargo pants , a Crop top & some Nice sport looking Sneakers . I Pick out this Grey shirt with some writing on it , these nice black skinny jeans , a Skull studded belt & these black designer sneakers. The belt makes my pants sag a little too but it makes the outfit look better so fuck it . Jack puts on a Black hoodie , Blue Jeans & Black sneakers as well.

"NOW LETS GO GET PIZZAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" I scream in enjoyment

We get to the pizza shop & I eat a whole box of pizza Onyx sits down in front of me and says "Listen bro it's some stuff that I have to tell you about , the world you see right now it's really a facade this shit look pretty and good but it's some real sick shit that be going on. Since you been gone the government started spouting some you have to be blessed by the water of god to use your abilities freely and people who don't are committing treason. But it seems like they're trying to take away our free will to be humans in the name of this God they praise They call the hero's guardians they be over enforcing they're rule. Also on our side it's a whole lot of different factions all over the world trynna take control of towns, cities and this world so it's double sided feud. Them hero's are no joke so is any of these others gangs".

" Damnn wtff? That's crazy I lowkey felt something was up from the point I got taken away they probably had something to do with my family being killed So I got to train right ?" I say in a whispering tone to Onyx. "Yeah but more of a different type of  Training super powered training , when you were gone I became an assassin I've been around the world a lot I'm a skilled swordsman as well I took out targets that would be a threat and would ally with the hero's around the world for various amounts of money , sometimes ranging from $100,000 -$600,000 a target" says Onyx. "With all of that money I bought us 3 new hideouts , 1 under that abandoned Train station we used to chill at , 1 on the Top floor across Town it's like a Penthouse & One inside the back of a library inna secret area".

        As We're all walking to the Train station hideout I think some more while eating more Pizza , Damn it's really some shit going on back then we ain't really see shit like this happening. Onyx is a swordsman too that's crazy as I think to myself , I remember when I first met onyx in 5th grade he'd always make the class laugh & always got revenge when someone did something bad to him . One time we got into a fight with these 8th graders & he Lifted all of them up with this telekinesis and slammed them into a Fruit stand then went to their house & Killed all their pets. Yeah... He's a lil messed up in the head he could go a lil overboard sometimes but he's cool that's bro. He lived with his Aunt Bc his parents didn't want to deal with him anymore because he always got into fights & Killed animals andddd he almost got expelled for breaking our Art teachers arms. Onyx is smart as hell tho his IQ was already at a Highschool level in elementary school , it's probably even higher now since he's 19.

         The weather feels nice I think it's September? If I take a guess because in space it was literally no sense of time sometimes unless we seen a calendar or clock . It felt like everyday was the same day I was gonna lose my mind I was really on the breaking point. So Glad we broke out of there but I can't even fully rest yet because I know imma have to deal with Sailor & Lukas soon so I want to be ready. We get to the train station & Electra zapps the broken elevator and it opens and controls it as we go down to the hideout . "Make yourself at home Guys" says Izak, Sanahh shows us to ours rooms , I admire the place it looks so nice Big ass TVs , Game systems , A Gym , Nice couches , a lot of food anything you can think of. I get in my room and finally lay down on a soft ass bed and take my ass to sleep it's been years since I slept in a comfortable bed.

     The Next morning I wake up Shower & Brush my teeth & Echo made breakfast for all of us . Onyx says " Okay now that Zeros Back & we have more allies we need to talk about something , First We need a name for our Gang/Group whatever you want to call it in this resistance , we need to know each other's strengths  & Have each other's backs and make more allies. Me , I'm Good in stealth & Recon & information because I am an Assassin also a Telepath & I cannot be poisoned by anything I'm a swordsman too. Zero or Chaos he likes to be called Chaos I think it's lame but ok , He can handle fighting crowds of people & effectively kill them due to his durability & stamina also creative mind. Echo Can as well and I've literally read her mind her abilities are busted (Reactive adaptation) & Jack has air manipulation . I'm Just going over it because You guys don't know Jack and Echo also to refresh your memories on my abilities & Chaos's".

        I stand and I say "Let's Call our Group Black Rain". "Yo that sounds cool as fuck" everyone says in unison. First before training Onyx said we have to go rescue our trainer from custody of the Guardians or Hero's or whatever they wanna be called . It's just me and him on this mission it brings back memories of shit we used to do to people back then. As We get close to the building we stake it out from above it's raining outside so it's hard for us to be seen we're also wearing all black rain coats & Onyx draws his sword. "Look that's him right there with the Collar on his neck that's a inhibitor to stop his abilities from working so he's basically a prehistoric human right now from 1000 years ago right now" Onyx says. I look at how many guards the hero's have escorting him there like 5 big trucks deep with the escorting car in the middle , "I can see through the cars basically their auras it's 6 of them in each car and 10 in the car with the trainer oh his name is Frank" Onyx says.

      Me and Onyx look at each other with a evil smile we don't even have to say anything we know what to do Hit them by surprise . We jump from the building sliding down the side and Onyx Binds all the cars to the ground making them stop moving & Makes the doors fly off all the cars . The guards hop out scrambling in confusion Then I appear in the air an near blocking the sun like an eclipse Materializing a Bow of Energy & Shooting 24 spiraling spiked arrows through all of their heads killing them. Onyx walks up to the last 6 repulsing them to a wall so hard I hear some of their bones shatter and see blood coming out of their mouths.

"Hello Frank Buddy your coming with us Today & Don't Worry about the Cameras in this Area I had Electra short circuit all technology in this area Early this morning and sheesh I ain't even use my sword " Onyx says with a Grin on his face.

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