Chapter 8 - Information/ No Secrets

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As we remove Frank's Power inhibitor off his neck Onyx begins to introduce us. "I'm Onyx and this is ...." , "I already know who you psychos are" Says Frank. "How?" Me and Onyx say in unison. "Okay listen carefully because this can get really confusing, Due to me not having a unique ability instead of my spirit energy being that fuel for that it mostly goes to my brain making me insanely smart. Don't worry I'll teach you about that when we get back to your hideout correct? Yeah but anyways, it's a lot of people like me scattered all over the world maybe even the solar system since we humans inhabit that too. Being that it makes me insanely smart my spirit energy lets me read peoples energy giving me a visionary look of your past and what your ability is just by hearing your name or being next to you EVEN SEEING YOU. Also I'm one of the most dangerous of my Kind since most of us develop over the top fighting prowess and smarts in machinery & weaponry."

       Frank then Says "And Yes you don't even have to say it but both of you are thinking the same thing about wanting to change the world I see that's a similar thing you guys have in common your energy told that to me I bet you two didn't even know y'all thought the same thing. Anyways Yeah I support your cause I'll Join your group, I know you 2 dumbfucks Because while they had me locked away in a Max level 10 facility  on Mars before transferring me back to earth for Trial I overheard a lot of talking from the guards in there. I had to pay very close attention it was sorta hard to focus with that inhibitor fucking wit my brain making it hard to even think & pay attention , They know about that Breakout on Planet Ultra plus that massacre you did 4 years ago so you better watch your back. But You Onyx they have a video of you brutally murdering somebody from a hero school across the ocean".

        "Damn so I guess that means there's bounties on our heads ?" I say to Frank , "You damn right I don't know how much tho I got caught listening then shocked till I passed out" Frank says in a tiring voice. " I know there were no cameras in that area it had to be a random person just passing by quickly FUCKK Rookie mistake" Onyx says angrily. Damn I knew I'd be a fugitive tho it was only a matter of time , this is a nice car Onyx has it flys fast as fuck it slips my mind that he's sorta rich. Frank then says "Oh yeah I forgot I heard about that Girl Echo ? How she almost killed that hero Even tho he was a rookie it was still impressive I seen the video once lol wait & come to think of it Onyx judging by your past I've seen Your Dad is just like me We're anomalies ".

       "Yeah he is .. I hope I get to see him again one day , he's been getting held for 4 years illegally by this crooked world government that's one of the reasons why I became an assassin at 15. Yeah the money is good but it's also want to get my dad back they want 100 million he got caught forming a faction to protect all of us from the heros and the government all of that you must carry the will of god Bull shit. As you can see look out the fucking window they're literally taking our free will , locking people with too dangerous abilities away if they aren't blessed or even if you aren't even able to get blessed. WHY IS THIS IS WORLD SO FUCKING BAD THEN OTHER STREET GANGS FIGHTING FOR CONTROL OVER THE CITIES AND THE WORLD!, Yeah I share the same cause as Zero I'll help you take over this world and make a better new one where people can be their own god and use the powers freely but I also want to get my father back and Kill every government on this planet / solar system and rebuild it I won't let anyone destroy this world either that's my secret also I do have a last name it's just more common for people to hide it and not put it on paper now and days I am Onyx Valhalla!"Onyx rants.

Frank says "Well then since we're sharing secrets then I guess I'll share more as well My Full name is Franklin Demonstone I'm sure Onyx your friends back at the place can hear this too. Is anomalies yeah we aren't born with a unique abilities but there's a secret to it most of us are able to make our own like me that's why I'm one of the most dangerous to exist , I have spatial abilities that involves making portals , erasing matter & I can also create weapons and machinery on the spot with pure spirit energy. I can do this because my father which was a anomaly as well had sex with a demon & created me which let me achieve this to certain level or make it easier for me to do it. I wonder what your fathers ability is or did he even achieve it with a human mother".

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