Chapter 42

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After rehearsing so much, the competition we were all waiting for arrived. Each of us would give our best in the final, although our rivals were very competitive and good.

In the fitting room...
Teacher Fenny did our makeup and told us not to be nervous and that we would do great. I was worried that if Lar didn't come, the kids wouldn't be able to do their dance. Besides, I would have to leave there 5 minutes early to go to the dream world and fight Anna.

We were the second to enter the track. The first ones to do it were the Tigers team, who were last year's first and it was clear that this year too. When they finished, the judges gave them 9 points and they left the stage to change. It was our turn.

"Guys, don't be nervous because the important thing is not to win, but to enjoy! Come on, put your hands on top of mine!"I said shouting.

My teammates put their hands on mine and we said loudly at the same time: "Let's have fun! And so on 3 times.
"And now the next group. Let's see how they dance!" said the presenter.

We got into our positions but before we started Mark said a few words:

"Greetings to all. First of all we wanted to tell you that we are very happy to be here. However, we are not going to do the dance without our partner Lar. I think that in a team the members are very important and we want to do it with our friend."

"I'm sorry to tell you this but if he doesn't show up in 5 minutes you will have to do it without him or else you will be disqualified." said the presenter seriously.

We had no choice but to wait until he came, he wasn't coming. So, in the end we did the dance without him and I got out of there quickly. 

"Betty, wait! I'll walk you to the dream world."Mark said to me.

"Okay, let's do this. "And I told him my wonderful plan.

So off we both went, though on the way we met my mother outside the library and she escorted us out into the world.

"Betty, I will distract Anna and meanwhile you will hide and try to get some necklace. "

"I understand, mother. "I said. 

"One thing! I heard that your friend Lorry and Lar are Anna's helpers, so we have to be careful with them too."

"What do you mean Lorry is his accomplice? He would never be that." I said sadly.
"I'm so sorry. I'm sure we can work it out and it will go back to the way it was. "My mother said optimistically.

"What if it goes wrong and Anna gets what she wants? I don't know if I can go through with this, forgive me. "I said and ran away. I know I was wrong to run away but I needed to think and be alone for a few minutes.

Anna had more and more power and little by little she was achieving her goal: to end the dream world forever. Without Lorry's help, I felt dejected and shut down.

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