Chapter 1

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How much has changed since Gaspar died. Since the last time I saw him, I knew that everything bad that happened was over forever but it hasn't been.

May 5th...
I woke up super early to say goodbye to my parents, who are leaving for a week's vacation in Ibiza. I am staying with my wonderful grandmother.

When I went to class, teacher Fenny introduced us to the new girl. She is pretty, smart, tall, cheerful.... And this is what she said in front of everyone:
"Hello, my name is Anna and I'm from Paris. I'd love to meet you all and become friends. "
"Very well, Anna. Sit at the back table next to Betty." said the teacher." And she pointed to where she was sitting."

After class, I showed her the inside of the school and she was amazed at how big it was. We headed to the dining room and sat down at a table, but.... Suddenly...
Tifanny came up to us and started talking to Anna, as if I wasn't there. They spent the whole day together.

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