August 12th 2014

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          Growing up has not been easy for Jacob Boner, Moving from the UK to the United states at 10 years old wasn't Jacobs first choice, but after his dad died and his mum slowly became more and more abusive he found no choice but to move across the world to live with his Grand Parents. While living with them was great it was no doubt unideal. In school he was bullied for his unfortunate last name. By the age of 14 Jacob was considering moving out, but he knew he couldn't. Jacob started looking for new options, and then he found it. It was the last resort. There was no other way. He had too.

          Jacob started his first shift at Mc Donalds on August 12th 2014 at 10:00 pm. "Hello there I'd like 2 BTS happy meals pls" Something wasn't right but Jacob couldn't figure out what. Was it the mans stagger, or the way the words slid off his tongue? Who knows, it doesn't matter anyway. As Jacob went to the back to prepare the order he heard a loud bang, he sighs, he doesn't get payed enough for this anyway. As Jacob walks to the front of the store the man is gone and a table lies ominously on the ground. Confused Jacob begins to clean up the mess but then he notices it, a note on the ground, he shuffles over to it and opens it up. "Sus Burger On Counter, Tell No One.".

          Jacob jumps up astonished and then out of the corner of his eye he sees it. A burger. Screw it. He hasn't yet eaten dinner and his shift will be over soon anyway. He takes a bite. MAN THIS SHIT GOOD. He takes another, another, another and just like that the burger is gone. "Oh fuck.". "I not feel so good" Jacob falls to the ground as 3 men dressed in black surround him.

This will be continued at 100 reads or something like that idrk.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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