This Is Getting Annoying

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The car ride to the mansion was as awkward as it could get, even though the vehicle was more like a limo than an actual, normal car. The Winstons were obviously loaded and that only made Thea angrier about the situation. What excuse did they have? Money clearly hadn't been a problem. She was sitting in the far back with her aunt, away from the others. She suspected Jill wanted to talk to her, but she hadn't made a move.

"Are you going to say anything or are we just going to sit in silence all the way to your fancy mansion?" She asked her, trying to escape the quiet that had slowly started to choke her. She'd never been one to prefer silence over noise, especially at a time like this when she had so many things she wanted to question and discuss with her aunt.

"I'm just thinking about how I'll say what I have to say. Where to begin and all that." Jill nervously squared her shoulders.

"Why don't you start from the beginning?"

"I would, if I actually knew what that was. I think it started soon after the Feather curse was broken... Lilly went out for drinks and met someone."

"My dad?" Thea asked, hopeful for some information on him. She didn't know much about her parentage, but she knew considerably a lot more about Lilly than she did about her dad. She didn't even know his name, for one.

Jill made a face and tensed, just a little bit. It was so subtle that Thea thought she'd imagined it at first, but the way her aunt avoided looking at her made all her doubts disappear. "It's, uh... a little more complicated than that."

"How so?"

"I can't tell you that yet." Jill shook her head and Thea knew she wouldn't be getting that answer any time soon.

"Let me guess; it's for my own good?" she asked again, though it came out as less of a question and more of a bitter statement she was sure she'd be faced with a lot over the remainder of her little interrogation.

"Oh, not at all. I wish!" the older woman laughed awkwardly. "More like... for my own good. I know, it sounds selfish, but I really don't have a choice right now."

This is painful to watch and listen to. Are you sure this was the best option? You can still go back and wait for the next demon to drag you to Hell.

"Okay, then. Go on."

"Your mum was kicked out of the mansion a little over a year later, in early Nira. I'd barely given birth to Audrey a couple of weeks earlier. The details are kind of unclear, even to me, but I think she seemed to know it was coming. She'd put a spell in her room to keep everyone who might hurt her out and spent all of her time there, frantically scribbling in a journal and muttering to herself. After she left, the room locked off to everyone," Jill explained.

"What was in the journal?"

"No idea. She wouldn't tell me."

"And you're the one who dropped me off at the orphanage?"

"Yeah, but I wasn't alone. I don't know why they didn't mention your dad to you, he was right there with me."

"My dad's alive?!"


"Where is he? Why didn't he take me?" The excitement started to wear off as quickly as it had appeared; she hated the fact that she had such a big family and every single one of them had abandoned her for so long.

"It was too dangerous."

"Why? Why was it dangerous?"
"It's complicated."

"Shocking," Thea said with a deadpan expression. "Can I meet him?" she asked.

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