Chapter 1: Moving

Start from the beginning

I reached home and went back out right away. I bought myself a football (soccer ball) from the store nearby! I was so excited, I love football (soccer).  I was doing some dribbling practice and penalties for the most part. I was definitely going to carry my team to the nationals (A/N: Y/N has a superiority complex when it comes to sports). 

"I still have my touch," I excitedly thought.

A couple of hours later:

After a lot of penalties and some other practice, I checked the time on my phone.

8:30 P.M

I am so f**cking dead. My sister is going to kill me. As smart as I am, my navigational skills aren't the best. It was dark, so it was especially hard. Good thing that my house is near a big store, I can just ask someone for directions. While searching for someone, I noticed that a blonde-haired girl was being surrounded by two dudes.

"There's no way I'm just letting that go."

Hayasaka's POV:

I was walking back to the Shinomiya mansion after running some errands for Kaguya-sama. Now I'm surrounded by two dudes who just won't leave me alone.

"Hey there cutie, are you lost"

"We can help you get home hehe."

They had a menacing look in their eyes. Normally one would be scared, but I was as calm as a saint.

They were closing in on me, so I became prepared to fight.

That's when I heard footsteps approaching... a tall, handsome boy revealed himself to us three. He was very well built but unlike these dudes, he seemed quite nice.

"Hey you, the blonde girl, is everything alright?" the random boy asked me, concern filling his deep voice.

"Get the f**k out of here punk. Can't you see we're busy with her?" they snarled.

Out of the blue, the boy struck one of the dudes straight across the face. By the time the other dude could even notice, a kick came his way and knocked him unconscious.

"Don't talk to me like that." he menacingly said.

The boy suddenly grabbed my hand and moved me along the street with him. After we made some decent distance from the gropers, he stopped and turned around to look at me. 

"Are you okay? It seemed rough back there."

Oh my god, he was so cute. He was like a different type of cute. Regardless, I responded like I normally would, calm and composed.

"Well, now I'm better, thank you for that. I'm still kind of scared to be honest with you."

"Would you like me to walk you home?" the boy said with good intent.


"S-sure." Hayasaka said, with a crimson blush covering her face.

I have to admit, I wasn't expecting that, so it caught me off guard.

The walk back to the Shinomiya mansion was very quiet. I feel at ease walking beside him. Something about him is just so comforting.

While we are walking, I took some time to notice his details. He's really tall now that I look at him closer, he is also well-built and has red-hair.

He's totally my type... wait, I shouldn't be thinking about these things. I quickly shook my head to clear that thought and we continued walking.

We reached the Shinomiya mansion after a little more walking. I was very thankful that he walked me home. I ran inside but quickly turned around to see his face one more time and to ask something.

"What is your name? Mine is Ai Hayasaka," I cheerfully said. 

"My name is Nikko Urata (Y/N) (L/N), pleasure to meet you." Nikko dully responded, he seemed quite tired.

"I hope to see you around sometime."

Hayasaka turned around and ran inside with a flustered look. Her chest was tight and her heart was pounding at 1,000,000 KM/H.

"Why am I like this?" I thought to myself.


Hayasaka-san is actually quite cute to be honest. She's probably like the other girls though, all cute on the inside but bitter on the inside. I've learned to never trust girls anymore.

"Also I don't know the f**king way home." Y/N sighs in defeat.

A/N: Well, there you have it. My first ever chapter of fanfics ever. If anyone decides to pick up my story, I would like as much feedback as possible. Also if you couldn't tell, I'm a huge soccer fan AND Pakistani-Canadian. I hope you can watch me grow as a writer! (I made Y/N emo LOL) Again mentioning, would always appreciate feedback for any readers tuning in.

The Transfer Student (Ai Hayasaka x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now