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Miles and Dani finished the picnic and rode back to the house, Dani clinging tightly on miles.

Later that evening
Flora is alone in her room playing tea party with her dolls, Dani is washing the dishes up from dinner, and Kate is alone in her room. She walks over to the mirror on the wall are gazes at her reflection but sees somebody behind her lurking in the shodows. Miles. Kate shpis around to confront the boy but he doesn't look right. His eyes are fully black and his skin is pale.
Miles rushes towards her and slams her head into the mirror, smashing it.

Kate wakes up screaming and out of breath. It was just a dream. She lyes back down and stares at the ceiling until morning.

She feels sombody staring at her, she looks to the side of the bed to see flora.
"just checking you were still here"
She says and walks out of the room
"still here"

She gets up and gets reddy for the day.
She walks downstairs to see Dani unpacking a bag.
"miles' things from his school arrived this morning"
"Dani did you ev-"
Miles and flora run into the room. Flora runs behind Kate wile miles chases her. "I'm going to get you"
"guys it's very early can you stop"
They don't listen, and keep on playing
"guys can you listen to Kate. Listen to Kate please"
Both children stop
"you need to take charge here Kate"
"bad dreams?" miles says wile flora giggles.
Kate stares at him, miles just smiles.
"I have an idea, since it's Saturday, why don't we go into town and get a new coi?"

Flora stops no longer smiling, I look of terror crosses her face.
"yeah" miles says squeezing flora's hand. Flora looks terrified.
"I don't want to"
"come on, it'll be fun" Kate reaches her hand towards the little girl.
"you know that flora doesn't leave the property, you donr have to go darling"
Flora smiles.
"what if I ask my special friend? Want me to try?"
Flora nods.
"will you keep me and flora safe? You will!?"
Miles says looking at the mirror.
"and Kate to?" flora tugs on miles' sleeve.
"and Kate to? Really? He says you have nothing to worry about"
Flora smiles and hugs Miles tightly wile he giggles.
"OK so go get you coat"
Dani looks worried but doesn't say anything
"good job miles"
Kate walks out of the room leaving Dani and Miles behind.
"you all right"
"yeah just worried"
"it's going to be fine I promise"

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