An Unexpected Visitor

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Anakin's POV:

"I want to go see my friends!" I yelled at the Father.

I didn't notice I was making the ground shake with my anger and frustration.

Skywalker! Calm yourself!

I turned and saw the Son smirking.

"I'm sorry, I just want to see them."

You may go, little do they know, the war is about to take an unexpected turn. They will need you.

"Thank you! What is this turn of events?" I asked, both worried and curious.

Darth Sidious, the lord of the Sith, will seek to destroy the Jedi, you must protect them.

"I will"

I ran out of the room to collect my things;

I was coming home.

Rex's POV:

"We'll join you in a minute," I told General Kenobi.

I grabbed Fives and Jesse and dragged them to the roof of the barracks.

"Why are we here?" asked Fives.

I grabbed four bottles of beer.

"Drink to General Skywalker."

They looked at each other and then smiled.

We sat at the edge of the roof and talked about our beloved General.

"I always thought of the General as a brother," said Jesse.

"Me too"


"I miss him," I said.

"What was that song he would hum after a mission when we went to a bar after?" asked Jesse.

Before I could say anything, I heard a whooshing sound.

We turned around and saw a swirl in the air.

We watched it turn into a portal.

A figure jumped out.

We got our blasters out and pointed them at the figure.

Whoever it was dropped their bag and said, in an oddly familiar voice;

"Well, hello to you too,"

I nearly dropped my blasters.

"General?" I said with a lump in my throat.

"Guilty," he laughed.

Before either of us could react, Fives ran to the General and hugged him tightly. The General was taken aback but hugged him back.

"What are you waiting for," he asked me and Jesse. "Get in here!"

We did.

We ran up and were in a group hug for ages before the General said;

"You know you don't have to call me General right?"

"Of course, Gen-Anakin!" Fives said.

"Do you want a drink?" asked Jesse.


We sat at the edge of the roof, then Fives asked;

"Anakin, what is the song you would always hum at the bar after missions?"

He smiled.

"I could sing it for you if you like,"

We all nodded.

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