Chapter 10

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Olivia Denver's POV:

I keep vomiting in the kitchen sink. Not getting much attention from me, the hot guy has resorted to extreme measures.

He just kissed you?

I know. I know. Having lost my parents at a young age. I've been deprived of care and love. And when I get it from someone, I get overwhelmed.

And SHIT happens!!!

Anyways, as per the three-act story structure of any movie, the inciting incident i.e the first act was when I came here to catch this serial killer. Now the second act should be the discovery of evidence against him. The third act, prove his sin and me back to a happy life.

But I feel kinda stuck in the second one. I'm not finding anything against this serial killer turned into a romantic lover boy. I think I should just declare who I am and let him kill me.

By the way, Who are you?

Olivia Denver the superdetective. Who else?

Wow!! I got it.

I am me in my own eyes but not in his. Yes, he thinks of me as someone else. That's why he made me eat these disgusting fancy cuisines.

Although I liked the noodles and ice cream part being my favorite.

Anyways, I need to find out who I am in his eyes.

"I think I'll stay in today," I declare my first part of the plan.

"Okay. I'll stay too. You need some care." He says putting a hand over my shoulders gently.

I vomit again. Yeah! Due to allergy to extra care and love.

"No. I'm not that unwell. I just need some rest." I push him towards the exit gate and he walks towards it. "I'll call you in case I need anything." With a final push, I get him outside his own house.

Huh! Well done, Olivia!!

But He walks back into the house.

"What? I need to freshen up first."

After wasting an eternity of my time. The hot guy walks out but not before giving a peck on my cheek.

And you guessed it right. I vomit afterward.

Hola! Third Act. Olivia Denver is coming!

With absolute zeal, I start my investigation.

Hours and hours go by but I don't find anything.

Until now.

A tap on a painting of a girl standing in a Titanic pose makes me alert. The wall is hollow underneath it.

I find a small vault in the hollow cabin. But it is locked. What can be the password? I wonder.

Well, have you seen those movies where the hero tries to open a secret vault by guessing wrong passwords?

And then a funny thing happens, that hero remembers something from his past and the vault opens magically.

But there remains a catch, that the hero had already wasted so much time putting in the wrong passwords that it's time for the villain to strike.

I'm absolutely not like those stupid heroes. So I go into the kitchen and come back with vinegar and salt. Mixing it I make hydrochloric acid.

I drop it on the vault lock and snap my fingers. And half of the population of earth puffs away in thin air. Half of the vault lock actually.

I find a ring, a camera and a picture of a couple. Specifically Danny Brown & Sarah Greene.

WTH!! She is Sarah Greene who was murdered and whose only head was found. She was his girlfriend.

That took you so long, Olivia.

Yes. I should have thought about it sooner.

Extra care, favorite food, and all. And except for the eyeglasses, she looks very similar to me too.

Anyways, what happened to her?

Huh!! It's a plain vanilla case. 3..2..1


Sarah must be in some job requiring attention to details hence the glasses. And who carries a camera?

Yeah, right journalist. So Sarah was a journalist. She met Danny and they grew closer. But being a journalist it didn't take her too long to recognize the real Danny.

The day she found out about him. He proposed to marry her. She rejected him. He killed her brutally.

Huh!! Case closed.

I take pictures of the evidence and attach them to an email to Mr. Ralph. But before I press the send button...

Do you know what happens in movies just before the third or final act?

Yeah right. Plot twist!!!

In my case, the doorbell rings.

Putting the vault and Titanic girl at its place. I walk to the door. Opening it I see the cute no crazy girl, Emma.

"How are you, Olivia?"

Before I can answer she walks up to me and hugs me. "I feel your pain, Olivia," she says.

Oh! God, how do I make her understand I'm straight?

Forget it. I'm just gonna kill her now.

I pushed her out of the hug. She stumbles backward. "I completely understand your anger," she says in a sympathetic tone.


"Look, crazy girl. I'm not what you think so please stay away from me," I warn her, acting like angry Wonder Woman.

"I know it all. You had to run away from your family because they didn't approve of your fiance. But you're not able to find your fiance here so now you're all alone," explains the crazy girl.

"What? You're definitely crazy."

"Don't worry. I've found your fiance. Karlos." She turns back towards the gate.

A man enters the gate. He is the same man who threatened me in the restaurant yesterday. Yeah! Who killed his wife with a Mexican gun.

"I'll leave you two at it." The crazy girl walks out all beamed up as if she completed Mission Impossible.

The man walks in further with a golden gun in his hand and closes the door.

That crazy girl is so dumb. She doesn't realize this man is a villain even by his villainous name:


Are you killer? No. You are. (Book 2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now