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We three were having coffee in the Cafe, As I expected I started my day by ordering the coffee from the cafe. It was neither sunny nor rainy.

"The boy at the counter is pretty handsome! Should I ask him out?" Appu asked us leaving me in shock. She was really brave and of course an expert when it comes to love life.

"Already?" I asked her in shock. "She thinks the same." Christy said looking towards me.

"How do you know that?" I asked raising my eyebrows. She laughed at me.

"Yahh I've been friends with you for ages, we are literally the same soul sharing two different bodies. I can see right through you." I looked at her proudly

"I'm glad that you told that. You can have him then." Appu said sipping her coffee.

"Would you give up a boy for me? Aww, I'm touched!"

"It's not like I'm madly in love!"

"Me neither!" As I said Christy sighed at me. "What?"

"You will definitely ask him out." I nodded my head in refuse. I won't ever fall in love with someone that fast.

"You literally fell head over heels for John the moment you saw him dumbass!" She said.

"Wait- you guys know John?" Appu asked confused. "Yes we do and I hate him!" Christy said.

"You mean Anna's cousin right?" Appu asked even more confused. "Yes, and how do you know him?" I asked her sipping my coffee.

"Ahh, I dated him for a few months." I spat the coffee out.

"WHAT?" We literally screamed at her and when I looked around everyone in the cafe was looking at us. It was the most embarrassing yet shocking moment in my life. "I'm sorry" I bowed apologizing.

"What are you talking about?" Christy was still shocked and I was just an inch closer to passing out.

"I mean he was my boyfriend for a few months but all those times he was cheating on me so I broke up with him." She said all that in a single breath.

"So you were his side chick? " I asked in disgust. "Obviously!"

"Should I beat him up?" Christy stood up slamming the table gathering all the attention. I looked up at her embarrassed as hell. Appu dragged her out of the cafe. I took all of our bags and followed them.


We three were sitting in our seats still shocked. As always Ann came and sat next to me. But this time we had something bigger than that to deal with. The classes started and it was boring as always.

"So you guys are telling me that Kriti loved him but he loved you and at last he ended up cheating on me." Appu whispered. Christy nodded her head. "This is messed up," She said scrunching her hair.

"Can you guys please keep quiet I can't concentrate." Ann said. "Get up and leave then." Christy said.

The classes were over but Appu was still not over it. "Yahh Get up let's goo!" Christy said.

"Let's beat him up. Will you come with me?" She asked Christy and that dumbass nodded her head instead of calming her down. "Let's go!"

"Are you guys really gonna do it?" They looked at me. "Let's go home okay?" I said calmly.

"Let's do it tomorrow then," Christy said to Appu and we left our class. "Seriously? Can't you guys act a little mature?"

"Heyyy Are you defending him now?" Appu asked me. "Do whatever you want!" I walked out leaving them behind.

Like seriously they are going to take revenge on someone like him? I can't believe that they are this immature. I walked into the cafe and ordered coffee. I threw my bags in my seat and sat down. I was alone so I decided to scroll through my phone. I went through my not-so-active Instagram feed. It was boring as hell. That's when I noticed something. The guy from the counter added me. I went through his account just to ensure that it's him. It was full of pictures, unlike mine. I looked around for him since he was not present at the counter.

"Looking for us?" It was them. "Why would I look for crackheads like you?" I said and went back to business. I followed him since it was not a huge deal.

"Yahh we are not beating him up. I was just joking." Christy said. "I'm glad that you are in your senses!"

"But seriously how come we three have someone like him in common!" Appu asked sipping her coffee. "Coincidence. What else can it be? We met at the auditorium." Christy said.

"We were meant to be friends I guess," I said still scrolling through his account.

We parted our ways and walked back home. As soon as I entered my room I took a bath and got into my pajamas. I threw myself to my bed. It was a tiring day. I went back to Instagram realizing that I haven't looked at his name yet. I was dumb enough to scroll through his entire profile without looking at his name. So I scrolled all the way to the top to see his name.


[Sorry for the late chapter! Hoping that you enjoyed it!💖]

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