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Annyeong! I am kim Mi Soo, yeah you.

I woke up from my deep sleep and saw the time. I still had two hours till 8 so I could sleep but I woke up.

I went in the bathroom brushed my teeth, took a shower and went to see what I should wear for today.

I went in the bathroom brushed my teeth, took a shower and went to see what I should wear for today

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I wore normal pant and shirt. With my Celine bag.

I went in the kitchen after getting ready and took out my black cup. I love black.

I started making coffee with adding coffee and sugar in the cup and my phone started ringing. I saw who it was. and sighed

it was my boss, great day to start.
I picked his phone and the moment I slid the pick up button up I could hear him scream at me.


I looked at the time and said in a really cold voice " sir, it's only 6:30 "

He felt embarrassed and said " oh.....ohk but what were you doing, I bet you were sleeping" he said with a smile. I could sense his smile through the phone.

" Sir I was making coffee for myself and if I was sleeping I wouldn't pick your phone"
And I laughed.

"Hey! Why do you keep calling me sir? We are not at the office"

"I am not calling you dad" I said with cold voice again.

He laughed and said " ok prepare well I have a gift for miss kim"

I said "hmm" and hung the call. What was he talking about ? Is he going to tell everyone I am his daughter??

Or did anyone find that out? Whatever I made my coffee and sat down with my coffee in one hand.

I put my phone down and started to drink my coffee.

I thought someone's watching me but I ignored it and switched my t.v on.

It showed news. Well I hate news but as a lawyer I have to watch it.

" the hit and run case of Busan is now re-opened by a producer and no one know why. It's said to be that there were 2 people who were not in the vehicle and had severe injuries. Blood was seen on the floor but the driver was dead and the van which hit the car was never seen again. In the cctv also none could see the no. Plat-"

I switched the tv off. I was breathing very fast, my heart was beating very fast.

I had a panic attack I immediately ran to the kitchen. while running I dropped the cup.

I went straight to the kitchen drawer and took my panic pills. And sat on the floor.

I was still breathing heavily trying to control myself.

I stood up without seeing the mess on the floor and took my purse, my phone and the keys. I stepped out the house And locked it

I went straight to my car and sat in. Starting the car I thought of the news again. I don't wanna remember what happened 3 years ago.

Sorry I made the first chapter small but with this you will get to know your character in the story.

I actually changed the story alot. 😅

I hope you will like it 😉

tale of nined tailed (Lee rang's side ) CONTINUED| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now