Chapter 15

143 15 5

(day 4)


I woke up with a smell of blueberry jam sandwich and a coffee by my side. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Jisoo looking at me smiling, I smiled seing her beautiful face.

"Goodmorning Love," she said and planted a kiss on my forehead just like she would always do "I made you breakfast in bed. Enjoy" her smile didn't left her face it stayed there while she made me comfortable.

I can sense something bad is about to happen, but let's just ignore that.

"Jisoo can I ask you a question?" I asked taking a bite on my sandwich.


"Why are you doing this to me?" She looks down for a bit then smiles once again and a chuckle followed.

"After all we've been doing, we'll just end up being apart. So let's cherish every second, together" I wish I didn't asked, I regret it so much. I know it'll only just hurt me and leave a bruise on my heart.

That's deep.

I looked down and she sat beside me.

"Remember what I said last night, don't be sad. As long as the moon and the bracelet is with you, you'll be okay," she kissed my head while hugging me.

"I promise, I will come back. Now that I'm still here don't cry and don't be sad we'll make every second the best and.." I didn't let her finish

"Last for a lifetime." I continued her sentence, "yeah! That's it!" She hugged me then laugh her heart out.

I don't know when she's leaving, all I know is just it's coming close.

And then, we'll be back on being friends.

I know it's not that bad but, I just want her all for me. I love her so much, but sadly I can't call her mine 'cause she's being owned by someone she truthfully love. I'm just.. a mistress all along, she's "dating" me so I can't be sad.

I know her, she won't let someone be sad. She hates sad people that's why she always smiling and showing her bright side as always. That makes me love her more, I can't let her go but sadly we're not each other's destiny, we're just ment to be friends.

She'll always be my number one.

Even tho I'm just her number two.


I don't want to hurt her, but we can't escape the reality that she'll be crying her tears out and I can't be there to comfort her.

I'm leaving tomorrow, I'm excited to see Jinyoung but I also don't want to leave Chaeyoung all hurt. I don't know what to do but just leave and the next thing she'll see is no one smiling at her so sweet when she wakes up, no more kisses, and no more street dates.

I know I'm doing this just for fun but the truth is, I also fell inlove with her. She's not just any girl, she's an angel she's so sweet, fragile, pure, honest and just PERFECTLY BEAUTIFUL.

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