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"You're not going to help me? Seriously?"

"How can I send you my friends' phone number without her permission, Jae!"

"What's the big deal?"

"I won't. It's against my morals"

"I'll block you then"

I panicked.

Were you being serious?
But I wouldn't send you her number!


Everything stopped for a minute.

"Wait.. did you seriously block me, Jae!"


"Answer me, idiot! Okay, I'm sorry. I won't give you her number but unblock me please!"

That day...I cried. That too because of you after a long time.


"I was just was a prank!"


"Go away"

I was angry. So fvcking angry at you.

"I'm so sorry Seo Yeon"

I forgive too easily. It was not just for you, it was my nature.

"Fine don't do it again"

"I won't, you're my best friend"

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