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Chapter 9: Girls Just Leave You Brokenhearted

There were still some tears in Emily Fields'es eyes when she left the Hastings property. She was certain that Ali would never ditch them. They had shared way too many memories and secrets for it to go down like this.
Emily could only be sure that Ali was really leaving if she talked to her one on one. The last time she had, though, was in the tree house, where Emily had kissed Ali. Ali had seemed to kiss back for a second, before pulling away and teasing her.
The DiLaurentis house was right next to Spencer's. Emily walked over, taking in the familiar structure, and the little bench in the front yard where Ali had chatted with her and the others the day they went to steal her time capsule flag.
Taking a deep breath, Emily rang the door bell. Ten seconds passed before a familiar blonde head poked out. Ali's blue eyes narrowed at the sight of Emily. "What are you doing here?"
Emily mustered up all her courage, despite the hurt she felt at the sharp tone Ali had used at her. "Um, Ali, I was wondering if you'd like to come by my house today. I know our sleepover was a bust, but I'm sure we will have a better one next time..."
"...No. Get lost, loser." Ali interrupted, before slamming the door in Emily's face. Emily could feel the tears coming to her eyes again. She knocked once more.
This time, Ali opened the door almost immediately, an annoyed look on her face. "Did I not make myself clear? I do not want to hang out at your house. In fact, I do not want to hang out with you at all!"
Ali's words were like a million knives piercing through Emily's heart. If Spencer or the others had said that, it would not have hurt as much as when Ali said it. After all, she loved Ali.
"But Ali... aren't we friends?" Emily stammered, looking deep into Alison's sea blue eyes. Ali's scowl only deepened. "I was stupid to have befriended you. You were just a one time thing, so don't think that we are 'besties' or something." More tears filled Emily's eyes. "But Ali-"
"I want nothing more to do with you, okay? And don't call me Ali. Don't call me anything at all." and with that, the door shut.
Emily knew that she should not have been crying over a simple little friend squabble, but she loved Alison. She really, really loved her. Emily had never felt such a deep attraction to somebody. Even though Ali was a girl, it didn't matter to Emily. She loved Ali, and Ali had just straight out dumped her ass.
Emily grabbed her bike and steered as fast as her legs could paddle, trying to stop the tears. It's all just a dream, she told herself. Ali is just kidding, she's still your best friend.
But she knew that deep down, her time with Ali was over.

Two Blondes In The Woods: A Pretty Little Liars FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora