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Chapter 8: The Mind Of An Aria

     Aria Montgomery stole a glance at Spencer's Huge house, before adverting her gaze to the pathway in front of her. She had just told her friends that she would be moving to Iceland in a month, and they seemed to have taken it rather well.
     Better than Ali, at least.
     Aria wasn't even sure if Ali cared about her moving away anymore. If what Hanna had said was true, Ali really had been at Naomi's, there was a high chance that Ali would ditch her, Hanna and the others, and get back with her old clique.
     It was a surprise though, Ali had mentioned that Naomi and Riley had done something unforgivable and that they should never talk to them. Was Ali really going against her own orders? Maybe Ali had finally realized, after their end-of-7th-grade-sleepover, what losers they were.
     Aria had a pink streak in her hair, wore fake nose rings and wasn't sociable. Hanna had poop brown hair, rubber bands in her braces and her clothes were always a little too tiny for her. Emily was way too shy for her own good, and Spencer, well, Spencer and Ali had never really gotten along too well, despite both of them being Typical Rosewoods.
     Aria turned at the bend that led to her house. A few weeks ago, Ali had walked down this same street with her, and just up ahead, they had seen Aria's father making out with a pretty blonde college looking student. It had broken Aria's heart so bad. It was a bummer that the guy Aria had been crushing on for so long, Noel, was into Ali, like every other boy in the school. But this was her dad, hooking up with someone else that wasn't her mom. Aria had been so taken aback that she was unable to do anything without thinking of her dad and that Girl. Hopefully, though, Iceland would change things.
     "Oh, hey, sweetie!" Aria's mother, Ella, called from the kitchen. Aria gave her a weak smile and continued to her room. Byron and Mike were not home. She threw down her bag and sank into the bed. All that she could see in her head were two blondes.
     One was Ali, and the other was the mystery girl in the car. Maybe Ali had only meant to make the girls jealous, and wasn't really planning on ditching them. After all, Ali had been a good friend to Aria, keeping her dad's affair a secret. But Ali had also used it to torment Aria.
     And who was that girl in the car? How long had her dad been seeing her? Why was he betraying her family? All those questions had been running through Aria's head ever since she and Ali had caught them.
     Her thoughts reverted back to Alison. If Ali really planned to ditched them, Ali might tell Ella about the affair. What would happen then? Would Iceland be cancelled? Would her parents get a divorce? Would her father get together with the girl in the car?
     No. Aria could not let that happen. Aria stormed out of her room and into the living room, headed straight for the door. Ella's head popped out of the kitchen. "Aria, going out somewhere?"
     "Just stopping by at Ali's for a while," Aria replied hastily. Not that she was lying. Ali could ditch them, for all she cared, but there was no way that she was going to try to ruin her family.
     No way.

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