Part II - Escape Through the Temple

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A sudden feeling of dread latched onto the group when they heard a deep growl behind them. They spun around to see the jaguar prowling down the path, towards them.

"Not again! I thought we'd lost it," Kaminari breathed.

"It must've found a way to cross the river," Shinsou replied. Bakugou clenched his fists and began forwards. "What are you doing? You're gonna get yourself killed," Shinsou called.

Katsuki cast a glance back at them, "I have to use my Quirk. Don't give me that extinct crap. It's either us, or it!" Shinsou pressed his lips into a thin line but didn't protest.

"I'll make us weapons," Momo said.

"We'll protect you," Midoriya said, stepping forwards to stand next to Bakugou.

Katsuki tsked, "Don't get in my way, Deku." He yelled a battle cry and leaped forwards, startling the jaguar a bit. He jutted his palm out to its face, but nothing happened. His eyes widened as he now stood only a metre away from the deadly creature.

"My Quirk's not working," Momo cried out.

"Neither's mine," Midoriya said before he gasped. "Kacchan, watch out!"

The large cat snarled ferociously and surged forwards, swiping its razor claws at Bakugou. Shinsou suddenly appeared next to his classmate and shoved him out of the way. A cruel gash appeared diagonally across his arm and blood instantly began oozing out. The jaguar leapt on top of him, pinning him to the ground, widening its jaws for the killing bite. A dart sunk itself into the creature's neck and it leaped backwards, shaking its head to dislodge it. Midoriya had picked up the poison dart and thrown it at the jaguar. He rushed to Shinsou's aid, eyes widening at all the blood.

"We need to run!" Momo shouted, "The darts are over five hundred years old, the poison isn't likely to be as effective any more."

Bakugou spat, "You're such an idiot, tryna get yourself killed. Tch." He grabbed Shinsou and pulled him up to his feet, earning a sharp cry of pain from the other boy.

Shinsou's skin quickly grew to a sickeningly pale colour and his indigo hair clung to his sweaty forehead. His lips were parted as he took in shallow breaths and his eyes seemed out of focus. "Well, you seemed pretty adamant on being the damsel in distress today. Thought I'd give it a try," he breathed a shaky laugh before closing his eyes, fighting the urge to vomit. A smirk flashed across Bakugou's lips for a moment before he glanced back at the jaguar that was still shaking itself, trying to remove the long needle sticking into its skin. Another shout from Yaoyorozu prompted him to duck under Shinsou's good arm to help carry his weight. Midoriya carefully lifted Hitoshi's wounded arm, making him wince, and helped Bakugou with aiding Hitoshi. They quickly joined back with the others by the entrance to the temple.

"Which way do we go?" Midoriya asked. Just then, a feral grunt caught their attention and they turned to see that the jaguar had dislodged the dart and was now glaring at them as if it wanted revenge. The group exchanged a dreaded glance.

"No. Heck no," Denki trembled.

"We have no other choice," Momo said.

"I'll go first," Midoriya said. "Can someone help Kacchan with Shinsou—"

"I've got him," Bakugou said stubbornly. Izuku nodded and carefully slipped out from under Shinsou's arm before stepping up to the temple's entrance. He stepped on the same slab Kacchan had stepped on earlier and ducked, but no dart came, indicating that that trap was disarmed. He braced himself, bending his legs before racing forwards, stepping on as many stones as he could so that they would be triggered for him and not the others. He allowed his instincts to take control and jumped, ducked and rolled. A few slabs sank down, but only two darts shot at him; as the traps were so old, some must have failed over time. Midoriya made it to the other side safely and gestured urgently for the others to follow. Bakugou began helping Hitoshi forwards, into the temple, but the wounded boy fell limp as he slipped in and out of consciousness. Katsuki growled; they didn't have time for this. He picked the unconcious boy up and carried him safely across the traps, followed closely by Kaminari, Ashido, Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami. The jaguar made a pounce for them but stopped by the doorway, hesitating. It mewed anxiously, as if there were some sort of dangerous presence inside the temple, warding it away.

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