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A/N: All characters will be carried over from I See Dead People; the first one. But in case you don't want to read that, the characters will be listed at the bottom of the page.

For Mariele. I don't know whether or not she's like an older sister or a second mom, but I love her like both.

TW: Alcohol

After you walked out of the police department, Glen's hand in yours, you felt so many emotions on that sidewalk. You were afraid. What if they found you again? You were relieved. Thank God they were in jail. But you were also very, very lost. How were you going to get over this? How would you do as a mother? What about your things at the house? What if something happened to Glen?

You must have stood there for at least ten minutes. Once you snapped out of it, you looked down at Glen. He was staring into space, too. The poor librarian across the street must have thought that the two of you were stalking her.

"Y/N, what's going to happen to us?" Glen had asked, still staring at the library.

"I don't know yet. There's so many option and too much time. We could go back to the house and sleep there for the night and bring our stuff back in the morning. O-or we could book a motel and sleep there for the night. Or we could go home, and you could sleep in the guest bedroom. Or-" You rambled on about your options before Glen cut you off.

"Let's go to your house for the night. Tomorrow, we can get our things." Glen decided.


You and Glen had moved back into your house six months ago. Ever since you walked out of the house and stuffed your bags into the trunk of your car, you had felt a depressing sense of loneliness. You knew it was wrong, longing to be back with your forced family.

You knew Glen saw how upset it made you. You knew he heard the sobs that you tried to suppress at night. You knew he saw the bags under your eyes while you watched the evening news. You knew he knew. You had begun to drink, too, which is something you never did before.

"Glen," You said one night while you ate F/E/N (Favorite ethnic food) and watching Full House. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" He asked, taking a sip of his water.

"For this. I'm sorry that you know how I am. I'm sorry that I drink. I'm sorry for missing them, I really am." You stared at your glass of whiskey, resisting the urge to take a sip.

"Maybe we could visit them?" Glen suggested.

"I don't know where they are, though." You bleated.

"Well, the internet exists." He said. "I'm sure if you just- look up their names, you could figure it out."

"Maybe..." You turned your eyes from Glen to your food and took a bite.

"Maybe if you saw them again, it would make you feel better. Maybe then, you'd stop drinking and then you wouldn't be sorry anymore." He sympathetically smiled.



You tapped on the glass from outside Jason's cell. He was sitting on his bed, staring blankly at the wall. He held his mask limply in his hands, feeling over the scratches and dents. But he didn't hear your tapping.

You knocked on the glass lightly and Jason heard it. Once he saw you, you saw a foreign emotion in his eyes. Was it happiness?

Jason opened the window. It only allowed about two inches of space, but it was enough to pass notes.

"I'm getting you out of here; I can't do this anymore." Was all you said.

Jason picked up a pen and a pad of sticky-notes.


"Don't worry about it. Just- next time you have trash duty, run. If anyone tries to stop you, do what you do best. I want you to run to the motel. Do you remember where that is?" You instructed.

He nodded.

"Okay. I already got everyone else to the motel; we're all staying there right now. Glen and I, too. You're the last one. I've got all your clothes and items at the motel. Just run as fast as you can and do not let anyone stop you."

Jason nodded again.

"Okay, I promised everyone I'd bring them proof that you were alive. Can I take a picture of you?" You asked.

Jason nodded again. You slipped your phone through the crack and Jason picked it up. It had the back-facing camera (or whatever the one you use to take selfies is called) and slipped the mask back on his head.

"When you're ready, press the button in the middle, okay?" You instructed.

Jason held up two fingers out of the camera's view and pressed the button. He then took off the mask and another picture. He slipped the phone back to you and waved a large hand at you.

"Goodbye, Jason. We'll be waiting for you, okay?" You stood back up and walked away. You heard Jason's window click shut as you climbed the chain-link fence over the back of the prison's property and headed into the woods, preparing yourself for an hour-long walk back to the motel.


You heard the door slam from the basement of Norman's house. Just by the footsteps, you knew that Jason was here.

"Jason?" You called.

The steps grew louder and faster as Jason approached. He had his mask on and it had some pine leaves sticking to it. You knew that he had sprinted through the forest when you noticed the mud on his jumpsuit.

"Forget about the river?" You asked, handing him the sandwich that you were going to eat.

He took the sandwich and ripped off the mask, biting into it like it was his last meal.

"I'll call the others in. Your clothes are in the office; you probably saw it when you came across the road." You said.

Jason shoved the rest of the sandwich into his mouth before going outside and down the path to the office.

Finally, you had your family back.


A/N: Characters are Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Billy Loomis, Leatherface (Ged), Pinhead (Elliott), Pennywise, Charles Lee Ray, Tiffany Valentine, Glen (Chucky and Tiffany's kid), Jeff the Killer, Michael Myers, Norman Bates, Smile Dog, and you. 

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