Chapter 13

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After picking up the food from the diner, we brought it home. I loved my mom's cooking, but it was nice that she got a night off to relax. We tried to give Bandersnatch the food that Dr. Gareth said was good for kittens, but Bandersnatch wouldn't eat it. Instead, he was fed from table scraps. He'd jump up on someone's lap and purr until they gave him some food. He had already started to learn that Stone and my mom were fine with spoiling him where Phoenix and Coach gave him nothing.

After dinner, the Lost Boys helped me set everything up for Bandersnatch. We filled his water bowl and litter box. After we sat around the entertainment room and watched a movie about superheroes, I thought it was amazing but everyone else thought it was silly.

That night I held the stone to the mirror and called Lark's name. I could tell it was no longer my reflection by the furniture behind Lark and the green tunic and leggings she wore.

"Wren! How is Weverland, any news?" Lark questioned me. She walked to the mirror and sat in front of it. When she got closer to the mirror, she was able to make out my image better, "Who do you have there?"


"Hello, Bandersnatch, it's very nice to meet you," Lark greeted her eyes big. She turned her large green eyes to me. "Do you know what he is?"

"A kitten?" I replied.

"Yes, but he's also your familiar. Didn't you wonder why he could talk?" Lark smiled; her face was flushed with excitement.

"What's a familiar?" I really had no idea.

"A familiar is a small animal that binds with a witch and becomes their companion. Before Bandersnatch became a kitten, he was a a low-ranking demon but gave it up to be reborn as a familiar. You will need to give him some drops of your blood, a prick or two one a month should be enough. It helps keep the familiar and the bond strong."

"Anything else?" I wondered.

"Not that I know of, but I'll have to do some reading in the library. It's been a long time since witches in Avalon have had familiars. I've never actually seen one before."

I cuddled Bandersnatch closer. He was almost like my rubby blanket, holding him close calmed me down and helped me think. "How is Avalon?" It had only been a day, but I already missed Lark and her Princes.

"Good! We're getting ready for the Winter Solstice festival. I hope you and your mates will come this year," Lark told me and yawned. The yawn was contagious and soon I was yawning too.

I kept my voice low so no one would hear me, "they aren't my mates! They are just my friends."

Lark giggled and rolled her eyes, "sure!"

I heard a soft knock on the door, "come in."

Phoenix walked into the room wearing just sleep bottoms, "are you ready for bed?"

"Just friends!" Lark laughed hysterically.

"Good night Lark!" I told her but I didn't know how to end the 'call.'

Lark blew a kiss and with a saucy smile she put her hand on the mirror and said, "good night Wren."

The mirror returned to its normal reflection.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were talking to your sister," Phoenix apologized but still climbed into the bed. I crawled in next to him. I laid Bandersnatch on the pillow next to my head and then placed my head on Phoenix's bare chest.

"It's fine. I wanted to show her Bandersnatch. She said he was a familiar and she's going to try and find some more information about them," I told him about the conversation while I fought to keep my eyes open. I breathed in and out deeply, inhaling the woodsy scent of Phoenix's bare chest.

"Good night, Wren," I heard Phoenix's voice from far away. I felt his lips brush the top of my head and then I was out. 

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