Origin Story- Obi-Wan Kenobi

Start from the beginning

The man simply smiled. "What's your name?" He asked politely.

I was dying to know what he had done to Zanwes to win him over in such a way, but it seemed the man didn't want to share. "Y/N," I answered. "And yours?" I wanted to properly thank the man for saving me the haste of redoing yet another batch of shirts for Zanwes. The banthas only produced so much wool.

He paused for a moment. "Ben."

My expression brightened. "Thank you, Ben."


The months passed. Ben and I met on occasion, most of the time in the same market. He lived away from the rest of town and I had a feeling he didn't want much to do with anyone. Despite my urge to get to know him better, I couldn't blame him for staying away from the rather distasteful company in Mos Eisley. I was dying to know more about the mysterious man. He never spoke of any family or gave reason for coming to this desert planet. I cannot imagine he came here for a vacation.

I marched through the market with more confidence than usual. My basket contained the usual amount of fabrics, most of which were already sold apart from one single red wool shirt.

My eyes scanned the crowd and just as I expected he was in front of the market stall where he usually bought his food for the week. A grin spread across my face as I made my way towards my friend. "Ben!" I called out to him in glee.

Ben looked around for a moment before his eyes settled on me. He smiled and met me halfway, his own basket in hand. "It's a pleasure to see you here, Y/N," he said. "Have you had any more problems from the Devaronian?"

He was always to formal and polite. I assured him every week that Zanwes no longer bothered me. "He hardly says a word to be when I bring his goods now," I said. "Thanks to you." I still couldn't figure out what he had done to make Zanwes so... agreeable. I wasn't sure if I ever would. We walked alongside one another just as we did every week while I made my rounds. It was some unspoken agreement we had with one another. He kept me company and made me feel safe.

I paused, suddenly remembering the shirt I had for him. "Oh, I have a gift for you," I said with excitement. It had taken me so long to make. It had to be perfect if it was to be a gift for Ben.

"You didn't have to get me anything," he said kindly. He started to say more but I thrust the fabric into his hands, quickly shutting him up. His thumb ran across the soft wool as he examined it. A smile broke out across his handsome features. "Thank you, Y/N. It's lovely."

Our walk was over too soon. I gave him a sad smile as we prepared to part ways at the end of the street. "I'll see you next week," I said. He was one of the few friends I had made on this planet so I treasured that short time we had together.

He said his goodbyes and turned to leave, however I myself couldn't bring my feet to move as I watched his tall figure walk away.

"Ben," I called out to him.

He paused and turned, his blue eyes meeting mine.

"Would you like to come over for dinner?"


That single dinner turned into dinners once a week. We always met at my small house that lied just in the outskirts of Mos Eisley. I never asked to go to his house and he never invited me. I didn't mind. I could tell he was a private man and I was just grateful to be included in this small part of his life.

Whenever I did ask about his personal life or his past, his answers were always vague. He spoke of his travels and former friends, but never of any family or a reason for coming to Tatooine. I hoped that one day he would trust me with his secrets. Trust me enough to tell me the full story.

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