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It was around 3am, Victor was tossing and turning in bed trying to sleep on top of a nail of guilt. The more he tried to resist it the more he feel it there. Finally, he decided to just give in. He got out of bed and found some denim jeans and leather boots. He crept over to my wardrobe and grabbed a plain white t-shirt and his well known green coat green coat.

His parents were asleep and he didn't want to wake them. So once he was dressed he carefully crept over to the window and quietly opened it as the fresh breeze of the night gently smacked him.

He lifted one leg out of his window and climbed out. He managed to reach to the nearest tree and jump off that. He began to run to Olivia's house and climb up to her window but she isn't there, he waited around for a few minutes before realising she wasn't even in the house. Did she even go home after the fight?

He decide to go look at the Quarry and there she was sat on the edge sketching and listening to music. He sat next to her.

"Beautiful night isn't it" he whispered

"Victor?" She wonders taking off her headphones and pausing her music

"The one and only" he smiled "what you doing out here at 3am anyway?"

"Just thinking" she says you can hear pain and anger in her voice

"what happened?" He asked taking off my coat and putting it around her.

"My dad" she mumbled putting her arms inside the coat.

"What about him, is he okay" he questioned unaware her father had been murdered 6 years ago. She puts everything in her bag and began ignoring the question

"why are you here" she tries changing the subject

"To see if you're okay, which you're clearly not, now is your dad okay" he responded

"He died when I was 8 Eddie was only 6 all these years I thought it was natural causes but I wasn't" she starts her eyes flooding with tears. I put my around her. "He was murdered by my own mother"

"Oh my god" he whispered. She starts crying more. He let her cry into me. She hugs me and cries into my shoulder. You could tell she felt betrayed. To her sadness was a prison, and she knew no way to escape it other than opening up to someone.

He feels her head lift up and she gives me a worried glare. Almost like a relislation.

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