Maestro of Mystery and Theatre of Wonders

Start from the beginning

He bowed to her.

" -My name is Balan and Maestro of the Wonderworld I am. I am the one in charge of this theater and have been for a thousand and one nights."

The girl could not help but laugh softly. She returned his curtsy, in the most graceful way possible.

"-Enchanted Balan, my name is Selene.
-A pretty name for such a pretty lady." He replied, winking at her.

She could not help but blush.

"I feel that you have an infinity of questions to ask me.
-How about discussing this over a nice cup of tea?
-Oh you are too helpful.
-But it's quite normal, after all it's only my role, I have to be cordial."

Usually Balan played the madman towards the Visitors. Or more precisely, it depended on the human. As soon as she had caught his attention, he had immediately detected the gentleness and calm that the young woman advocated.

She didn't like to be rushed and was taking things in all directions. So Balan had decided to adapt and choose the most comfortable way for her.

Balan held out his hand and Selene took it. He took her to a room that was a little more secluded, though very messy.

He let go of Selene and in a gust of wind, he cleared the room with kicks and swirls, then dusted off the few tables.

" -Excuse me for the disorder, rare are the Visitors in these troubled times.
-Oh but it is nothing! Precisely I found that it gave only more charm to this place.
-You are much too nice" he said to her while smiling.

Then he snapped his fingers and made appear two cups of hot tea. They settled face to face.

"Free to you to ask all the questions you need to confess. I will answer you with all the honesty I possess."

Selene began to think.

"I have so many questions...
-You have plenty of time hoho!"

She decided to start with the most obvious:

"-Why was I the only one to see this creature...? And why exactly am I here?"

The Maestro readjusted his hat.

"-You probably mean the Tim who brought you here. To answer both questions, it's simply because part of your heart is missing, that's why you're here!
-A part of my heart...? I don't understand.
-Come on, I'm sure you can figure it out for yourself. Think about it, isn't there something that's bothering you right now, that's getting into your head to the point of leaving you in a terrible mislead ?
-Well...there's this ballet that's making me brood. And also this relentlessness about the dance and these remarks. I think I'm working too hard.
-You only focus on what you shouldn't indeed.
-You know about that?"

Balan laughed.

"-Of course young lady! After all I am the Maestro, as soon as a human sets foot in my theater, I already know everything about him!
-You are incredible...
-There's no need to be formal with me, you know, we're going to be around each other for a long time.
-Okay...So I guess I don't need to tell you about myself?
-What I know about you now? Your name is Selene, an 18 year old orphan who dreams of becoming a very big star dancer. You work very hard to get the lead role in one of the most famous ballets in your world. The rest you know.
-You take the words out of my mouth."

She was amazed. Balan was fascinating and so curious in her eyes! And it felt good to talk to someone who came from a world other than her own.

She took a sip of tea and continued:

"-You mentioned 'Tims' earlier, who are they more exactly?
-Tims are the guardians of positivity. These creatures are born from the positive emotions of the humans in your world. They live on the Isle of Tims, and come in all colors with a unique ability! I'll introduce you to all of these in due time, you'll feel nothing but pleasant vibes.
-I can't wait then!"

She paused.

"So if I understand correctly, the Wonderworld only appears when the human heart cries for help?
-In a way, yes! My role here is to keep each heart in balance. It is never good to have more positivity than negativity and vice versa. Once you do that, you are free.
-That's amazing!"

Balan had a pained expression for a split second.

"However, once the journey is over, every human returns home without any memories. All these moments will be forgotten, forever.
-Oh I see..."

The counterpart was harsh, but Selene understood.

"-But you are all alone here? You are the Maestro of positivity, but what about negativity?"

Balan was hesitant, which surprised Selene. He placed his cup, now empty, on the white porcelain bowl.

"-I'm alone indeed, well if I don't count the Tims and Visitors who come when they come.
-But it's strange...
-Ho ho! You've asked the one question I didn't want you to ask my little one!
-What do you mean?"

The Maestro looked away.

"I mean it's complicated. But that's my business.
-I understand, everyone has the right to have their secrets after all."

Balan thought for a moment. It was more than a secret indeed. It was a matter of destiny.

But still, Selene was curious. She didn't really believe Balan that he was the only Maestro. But that was none of her business.

As she finished her tea, Balan jumped to his feet:

"-No more questions?"

Selene also rose playfully:

"Not for the moment!
-Perfect, let's go to the Isle of Tims!"

The Ballerina who wishes to aim for the Stars | Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now