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The weather was surprisingly mild for a day in the middle of July. Many families, groups of friends, couples, were taking the opportunity to go out, to have fun, to simply enjoy themselves without being suffocated by the oppressive heat.

However, there were always some people who stayed at home, in their garden or in their room, having nothing to do outside or having other projects. Others were just not in the mood or were too introverted to step outside in a noisy and crowded city.

Clearly, life was lively and bubbling with positivity. For the most part anyway.

In a place a bit removed from the civic life, on the edge of a forest, was a huge orphanage. The building was an old manor house, renovated from top to bottom, ready to welcome many orphans who were just waiting to find a home.

The place, usually so quiet, was full of childish cries of joy. Indeed, due to the beautiful weather that was coming, all the orphans were having fun outside under the strict but benevolent eyes of the supervisors of the establishment.

Inside, there was a deadly silence. Finally, this silence was quickly interrupted by the sound of footsteps running at breakneck speed.

A young woman, about 18 years old, wearing white tennis shoes, was running up the long wooden stairs with a quick and loud step. The creaking of the wood was so deafening that it sounded as if the stairs would collapse.

After three flights of stairs, she ran down the hallway in no time, despite the protests of some of the children who had stayed inside.

She stopped in front of a door at the end of the hall, took a short breath and opened the door with a bang, which startled the person in the room.

"-Hey, hey, hey! Guess who has to take care of the garden again!?"

Her interlocutor looked at her, incredulous and still "in shock" by this so precipitous arrival.

"You come storming into our room, all this for a garden?
-You would have done exactly the same thing if it was for you know what miss!
-Ok, touché... "

The dark-haired girl approached her friend with golden hair. The latter was sitting on her bed, computer on her knees watching a video.

"Still this video?
-Lilas you know very well that it is not only a simple video... "

Lilas raised her eyes to the sky and took a mocking tone:

"-Pardon me your highness it is true that this is not just a simple video but a masterpiece of classical ballet.
-That's it, make fun of me..." She replied by sketching a slight smile.

She was about to put her headphones back on, but her friend stopped her:

"Did you hear what I said? We have to take care of the garden!
-You said you had to take care of it, why include me?
-Because it's an order from Miranda, you know, one of the supervisors.
-I know who Miranda is...Don't you want to take care of it with Abigail?"

Lilas slowly closed her roommate's computer.

"-No, no Miranda said "Lilas, could you take care of the garden with Selene please?"
-But I have this rehearsal to work on and...
-Selene you give me the same excuse ten times a day, get out of your dance for two hours, will you?"

Selene sighed. She didn't care about anything but ballet. She was one of the best dancers in her company, it seemed. A little gem of modern ballet they said.

"I guess I don't have a choice...?
-That's right, girl! That's what it means to be the oldest one here."

Indeed, she and Lilas were the oldest in this orphanage, both 18 years old.

The Ballerina who wishes to aim for the Stars | Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now