It's Called a Stand

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I could see the girls stiffen up, and I looked at Josuke. He looked angry at Jotaro's words. Immediately I understood why.

   " Jotaro you should have said that a little differently. "

   " Why? "

   " He goes off anyone who insults his hair. Which is what you've just done my good sir. "

   " Bastard. Do you want to repeat what you just said about my hair? " JOsuke growled at Jotaro.

   " Hold on a minute, Josuke. I wasn't trying to take at shot at your hair. "

I knew that Josuke's Guardian Spirit was going to attack Jotaro, and I wanted to step into the situation but before I could. I noticed a sliver of blood leave Josuke's mouth, and he kneeled down, putting his hands over his right leg.

   " Did you see it, Josuke? This is called a stand. "

   ' He has one too!? '

   " It's a physical manifestation of the soul. Joseph has one of these as well. Only a stand user can see another stand. "

   ' That's why I can't see them but he can. Huh. '

   " You know it pisses me off when someone decides to bad mouth my pride and joy. It really grinds my gears! "

   " So that's what your stand looks like! "

They both stood there, and to others, it would look like they were just having a glaring contest, but you knew that their stands were fighting. By the way, they positioned themselves to stand, you could tell they were having a fight, one that a normal person wouldn't be able to see. 

   " This kids power. . .it's unreal. "

   " Hah, don't know if you realized this but you left your chest wide open! "

   " Enough! "

In the blink of an eye, Jotaro wasn't standing beside me anymore. He was standing behind Josuke, but his hat was different. Josuke's stand hit Jotaro's hat because it was broken in many places. It started to come back together, but it was in an odd shape. Josuke turned towards him, still angry.

   " Why you-"

Josuke was silenced when Jotaro punched him across the face. Josuke went to the floor, and Jotaro turned towards the girls yelling,

   " Shut your mouths! Now get out of here before your whiny bitching makes me angrier! "

The girls blushed and nodded their heads, walking away. I walked towards Josuke and leaned down to him.

   " Josuke, everything okay, buddy? "

   " Yeah. . ."

   " Here, I got ya. " Jotaro said, grabbing Josuke's arm to help him up.

I grabbed his other arm and pulled him to stand. Josuke seemed to calm down after the punch that Jotaro gave him. Jotaro let go of Josuke and stepped back from us, but I stayed beside Josuke with his arm around my shoulder.

   " As I was saying, there's another reason I cam to see you. Look at this picture. "

Jotaro reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a polaroid picture. I couldn't see what was in the picture and when I looked to Josuke to see if he could see it, I could tell that he could. His eyes widened, and he looked back up at Jotaro.

   " There's something evil hiding in this town. It seems like a tragedy is coming. The old man used his psychic photography to check up on you when we got these. We don't know why these showed up. We don't know who this guy is but if I had to guess, he's a stand user. "

I looked at the photos, but I, again, couldn't see anything in the photos, but in one of them, I saw a man standing in the photo. I didn't recognize him at all. The silver-haired guy walked up to us and grabbed Josuke's arm to take a look at the photos too. 

   " This matter doesn't involve you but I wanted you to see the photos. You need to be careful too, Koichi, Y/n. If you see this guy, stay away from him. Calling the police won't do anything. It's best to turn away and run. Josuke, don't get angry and do anything to him. Otherwise, you'll end up like this again. " Jotaro warned.

I nodded but jumped when the guy known as Koichi yelled.

   " The school orientation! "

   " Crap, we're late! " I shouted, feeling worried for missing the orientation.

   " Oh, no if I'm late on the first day my mother will have my head. So. . .I'll talk to you again properly after school! " Josuke yelled, running.

   " Come on Koichi! " I yelled back to him.

   " Okay! "

We all started running to get to school before we missed the orientation. I was able to keep up with Josuke, and Koichi was a few steps behind us. We ran to the school grounds and searched for the building we were supposed to already be in. 

   " That one! " I yelled, pointing at one of the buildings.

We ran to the building I pointed at and found that the orientation hadn't started yet. We walked in like nothing happened earlier with Jotaro and sat down in the chairs.

I Will Protect You (Josuke x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant