Chapter 2:Jace

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Jace POV

The school secretary gave me an encouraging smile as I stepped back out of the office and back into the hallway of yet another school. I had just filled in my details for the coming school year.

Six schools in four years, well that's what I get for having a record, which is ridiculous I enjoyed danger as much as the next person but I'm not one for labels. My 'Bad Boy' image wasn't helped by the fact I was the youngest of seven boys.

'No wonder he is so troublesome.' they'd say, 'Only after attention, always forgotten. He always needs to stand out.'

I followed my older brother, Sebastian, who only a year older than me was starting too, through the long winding corridors to my first class. History. I was alright at History, when I tried I excelled at most anything. It was the fact I didn't try that was my problem. I was never in school long enough to receive any sort of certification of my grades so why waste my time on them? I had always had more important issues on my mind anyway.

That particular morning for some unknown reason, I was nervous,which was highly unlike me.I had a usual layed back approach to life.

I walked towards my classroom, taking the occasional glance into each of the other rooms I passed. God ,I'd never been to a school like this before.I arrived at Room 20 approximately five minutes after leaving the school office.I stood in the doorway my back turned to the class as I said my goodbyes to Sebastian.

"Don't mess up today okay?" Sebastian said, giving me a look that said he meant it.

"I won't. Give me some credit.I can manage to stay in a school for at least one day.I cant take responsibility for any mishaps with the girls though, that's just my wicked good looks and charming personality" I grinned.

"Don't Jace, just don't.You know this is your last chance." He said seriously. God, he needs to chill.Party pooper much?

"Seb, it was a joke.Well not really, I know all the girls are hot for me.But I won't mess up I promise." I reassured him.

"Alright, you have to be serious about it this time." A small smile on his face. "I see you already have them hot for you. Look." he said smirking and I glaced over my shoulder a pair of eyes looking back at me.

"Ah see I told you! Poor girl doesn't know what she's in for" He shrugged pushing me over the threshold of the door playfully and walking away.

I stood there awhile longer staring after him.I turned and watched the girl with the amber eyes.I smirked as her eyes caught mine.She looked away but I kept my stare.I couldn't see her properly her long wavy strawberry blonde hair covered her face. I managed to get a good look at her eyes though amber with flecks of gold. They were pretty.Of all the eyes I'd seen before, I'd never seen ones like hers.

'Ah Mr Samuels?" the teacher questioned looked up from his laptop, where had been running through some notes on the white board.Twenty heads swung up in my direction.

"I'm Mr Donovan. Everyone this is Jace Samuels. He has just moved from England. Was it Jace?" and he began questioning me.

"Yes sir, it was London"I replied nonchalantly.London, Paris, Berlin,Rome, Budapest, Prague. Where was it this time?

"Ah so you're British? Is Jace short for something? Jason perhaps? Would you prefer we called you that?" he questioned.

"My father is South African. No sir, it's Jace, just Jace" I said annoyance heavy in my voice.

I hated when people asked too many questions or asked about my name. It is Jace simple as. My parents had more sense to give me a common name.

"Very well. Tell us more about yourself Jace?" he said eagerly.

"Well..' I started "this is my sixth school in four years. I set the last one on fire" I said emotionlessly .

It was meant as a joke, it wasn't taken as one though. Mr Donovan's lips had formed a hard straight line, he was clearly not amused.

"Take a seat Jace"

I nodded and smirked at the class.I had caught their attention, which is exactly what I wanted. Their eyes bore into me. I had attracted stares from the girls and glares from their boyfriends. This was nothing new though,vit was just standard procedure for me. I scanned the room, looking for a free seat. As far as I could see ther was only one free seat, next to a boy with bleached blonde hair,vI could tell it was bleached because of its dark brown, even black roots.His eyebrows were also a give away.He was moderately handsome in a preppy, popular way. He sat slumped in his seat looking as bored as I felt.

"Hi" I muttered before sitting down.

"Hi,I'm Jack" the boy said, aknowledging me briefly.

"Jace" I replied.

"I caught that" he said and raised a dark eyebrow.

Bad Boys like Good Girls(Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon