Red eyes scanned the common room before zoning in on the half and half boy looking at him judgmentally from atop his dumb book. Bakugou did not hesitate before striding over to Todoroki, slumping down next to him and pulling the boy practically on top of him.

From where his head was now under Bakugou's chin, and legs strewn across the blond boy's lap, Shoto almost dropped his book from how suddenly close they were touching. His body froze, temperature subconsciously dropping, and only a growl from Bakugou drew him out of it. 

"Warm the fuck up you walking radiator bastard!"

He raised his temperature enough that he wouldn't burn Bakugou, and a shaky exhale hit the back of his neck as the boy held him tighter around his middle. He froze again, eyes finally lifting from his book to cast a glance at Bakugou. Red face, pale skin, his arms minutely shaking as they clung to him tighter. For someone like Bakugou, whose quirk excelled in warmer temperatures, this harsh winter climate was definitely not good for him. He raised his temperature a few degrees more, making sure to centre the most heat in his core so he wouldn't burn the blond boy. 

Just then Midoriya walked past. He waved at Todoroki with a smile, just as he did whenever he found his friend reading in the common room, and continued his way into the kitchen. Only this time he had stepped one foot into the kitchen before a loud gasp left his lips; spinning around, his enlarged eyes stared at Shoto.

"W-what... w-when... Todoroki what is... why... Kaachan is..." the greenete couldn't speak, just gesture wildly to the now sleeping Bakugou.

'I don't know.' Shoto mouthed back, not wanting to talk aloud and wake Bakugou even when he was still in shock of his blunt actions.

Still not knowing how to comprehend the situation, Deku stared at the pair for a moment longer before resuming his journey into the kitchen for some tea. When he passed his friends again, he just gave a quick thumbs up before sprinting off upstairs, wandering if that was the real Bakugou and not Toga in disguise.

It was awkward at first, Shoto stiff as a board as Bakugou slept on, seemingly unbothered at the situation he had left the heterochromatic boy in. But, once he knew there was no more angry yelling or shaking limbs to be seen, he slowly trained his attention back on his book, submerging himself in his own warmth. 

They stayed like that for a while, both becoming more loose and relaxed as time passed. Shoto had made good progress with his book and the blond looked less pale. And yet, Todoroki's peace never lasts, as when Bakugou shifted in his seat one of his hands remained resting on the top of his hip, thumb unconsciously rubbing small circles around the area of skin. 

Shoto shuddered, looking up at Bakugou to find him still asleep. The touch was weird, made him feel odd and sort of beyond himself. Midoriya had told him he was touch deprived, and physical touch was something he should initiate himself and take slowly. So when he was touched suddenly, lightly and sensitively, it made his thoughts muddle and brain fog. Touch was... weird. 

Hands gripping his book enough for his knuckles to turn white, he let out a long breath before fully relaxing into Bakugou, letting his side melt against the blond boy's as he resigned himself to the touch. The repetitive patterns looped in his mind, the slow tracing of his thumb making him read the same paragraph over and over until his body softened and he drifted off to sleep...

When he woke up his book was no longer in his hand, and he wasn't looking at a black hoodie but a grey one instead. The arms around him were slimmer but tougher, and red peeked into his vision.

"Hey Todobro," Kirishima greeted with a sheepish smile, "hope you don't mind about this. Sorry if you do! This is just the first time I've not been shivering all day."

Shoto hummed, sitting up a little to grab his phone and check the time. 5:45PM.

"Bakubro is making dinner, that's why I'm here." Kirishima continued nervously when Todoroki wasn't responding, just looking down with a confused expression. "I can go if you want me to, it wouldn't be manly to force you to- woah!"

Shoto couldn't care less at that moment. He was still sleepy and warm and if Bakugou was making dinner then that meant he would be woken up with his yelling soon enough. So, deeming as he was in perfect napping conditions, he slumped back into Kirishima's side, mumbled what the red-head guessed was 'go sleep', and promptly passed out again.

Kirishima was silent, staring at his friend with wide eyes. The clanging of pans from the kitchen brought him back to himself, and he carefully wound his arms back around Todoroki's waist before sinking into the comfy sofa and shutting his eyes.

"Touch him." Bakugou said, leaning against the doorway whilst mixing something in a bowl. "He likes it."

"W-what?! Bakubro I can't-!"

"Not like that dumbass." the blond growled, debating throwing his spoon at the shitty-haired idiot. "Just like, touch him a little. There." he pointed to the slightly exposed skin above Shoto's hip.

Kirishima raised a brow at his bro before shifting his arm so his hand rested on Todoroki's hip; to his surprise, when he slowly traced with the faintest pressure, his friend's body seemed to turn limp, moulding right into his side.

"He's touch starved as fuck, Shitty Hair. If he's keepin' you warm the least you could do is not make him feel uncomfortable."

"Bro..." Kirishima whispered, hearing the light shake in Todoroki's breath every time he traced around his skin. "Bro, you're so considerate and manly dude." 

Tears threatened to well up in Kirishima's eyes, not just from how safe and content Shoto seemed to be around his classmate but how perceptive and kind his best friend was.

"Whatever, just make sure he stays asleep. He exhausted his quirk so fucking much today that if he doesn't rest I can't kick his ass tomorrow!"

With that, Bakugou returned to the kitchen to finish off preparing dinner, Kirishima left behind in a daze. A daze that when the soft and slow breaths of his classmate ghosted the side of his neck, let him fully encompass himself in the warmth around him and drift off to sleep too. Yeah, his friends were the best...

It soon become a regular occurrence that people came to Todoroki for warmth, especially as the harsh winter became even harsher. Tsu was practically given her own spot on the sofa next to Shoto whenever the class joined together for movie nights. And on the days Todoroki was feeling particularly touchy or safe with his friends, they would all get under the giant comforter Momo made and he would increase his temperature, essentially making the blanket a giant radiator for his classmates.

Aizawa found them like this one Sunday night. It was past curfew when he arrived to check over the dorms, and what a surprise it was that the lights were still on and all of his students were huddled together under the softest comforter Aizawa had ever seen. A gentle warmth hummed through the common room, and Aizawa made sure to check Todoroki's temperature, amazed and happy that he had such good control over his quirk even when asleep, before leaving his students to sleep peacefully for the night.

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