You're My Twenties - Dino (10)

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leechan liked your post (1 minute ago)

This particular notification caught your attention. You quickly opened the app to find nothing.

Is this another bug in this app? Giving me older notifications?

No! Chan removed the like which he accidentally clicked while looking through your photos. He does that every single day to look at your whereabouts. Actually you kept your identity hidden till now you dont really give out things or faces that easily. That's how you have been since the beginning. Only people who know you can figure it out.

Also remember that Woozi has just revealed his real name and people only know that he doesn't live with his family because they don't support him. That's it. No one knows further than that neither do you want his personal life to be involved into this. It must be hidden at all cost.


"What about our entry into entertainment industry?", Chan coldly asked the people sitting in the meeting.

"We have collected a few uprising singers since they will be easily to be taken under us.", one of the employee said. Vernon passed the file containing the portfolio of artists. But one specific one caught his eye...

 But one specific one caught his eye

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"Him! I want him in this company.", Chan said pointing at Jihoon's portfolio.

"Lee Jihoon?"

"Yes! Rest you can choose whoever you want. I dont care. But I want Lee Jihoon. The meeting is over. Sign him at any cost.", he said marching out without saying anything further.

"Asshole as always.", Vernon mumbled.


You received several calls for checking his schedules. You were busy like ever and then you received this call.

"Is this manager of Mr. Lee Jihoon?"


My name is Chwe Hansol.
I am calling from LEEntertainment."

"I am sorry if you're calling
to cast him in any of your
shows. His schedule is full
for the next two weeks."

"Actually we would like to have
a meeting with Mr Lee Jihoon.
We are new to the industry so
we are signing with new artists.
And we heard that he isn't under
any company. So we would like to-"

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