Chapter 26: The Ember

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Celia looks over at the two of us in surprise and shock

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Celia looks over at the two of us in surprise and shock. Hades takes off his sunglasses and gives us a small wave. "Quite a show you two put on the other day." "Right back at you." Mal glares at him. Hades smiles and starts to stand up. "I was just coming to see you two." Mal stands up next to me and we start circling the couch. "Really ? Wonder why ?" I finished Mal's thought. "Is it because I'm gonna be Queen ?" "Ah !" Hades starts to laugh. "Now, Miranda, Mal, don't be bitter." He now stands in front of a mirror.

Mal crosses her arm. "You abandoned us when we were babies." Hades is quick to correct her. "No. No, I left your mother." I scoff. "By leaving our mother, you also left us, so you did abandon us." "She's not the easiest person to get along with." Mal rolls her eyes. "You think ?" "Huh. You see ? We have something in common already." Hades puts a scarf around his neck and walks towards us. "We all hate your mother." I step forward and shake a finger at him. "No, I don't hate my mother." Mal steps up next to me. "She may be an evil lunatic, but at least, she stuck around." Hades looks down at us. "Oh ! Boo-hoo. Wake up and smell the stink." He starts to whisper angrily in our faces. "You think you've had it rough ? I used to be a GOD !" He screams as Mal and I both jump.

"I had my entire world, which bore my name. And now, I have nothing." Hades walks up the steps to a platform and throws a can on the ground. "And you have no idea what that feels like." I start to shake with anger. He can't be serious. "Really ?! Because for 16 years, we had nothing ! And now, I have the whole world. But unless I get that ember, it's game over." I look up at Hades and stick out my hand, waiting for him to hand it over. He knocks away my hand. "Hold, please."

Listen little girl
You're talking to a god
And I don't wanna hear the drama
Kindness ain't my brand

Oh, I guess that's why you ran

Try being married to your mama

You stink at being a dad

Poor Mali, are you sad ?

Not as sad as you without your powers

We didn't come to fight
For once, do something right

I steal souls
Were you expecting flowers ?

We only need you
'Cause we came here for something

I've given you everything

Hades, Miranda, and Mal
By giving us (you) nothing

I did what I had to do (ooh)

I made it on my own
No thanks to you

Well, you two can learn a thing or two (ooh)
When push comes to shove you do
What you've gotta do
How about I go with you
And we'll spend some time ?

How about you stay here
'Cause you're out of your mind

Let's make new memories
You can show me the town

No you can keep your memories now

Get over it

Miranda and Mal
I am over it

Hades, Miranda, and Mal
I'm over you being over it

Let's dance

Hades, Miranda, and Mal
I did what I had to do (ooh)
No, you only did what's best for you
Well you two can learn a thing or two (ooh)
When push comes to shove you do
When push comes to shove you do
When push comes to shove you do
What you've gotta do, yeah

Mal and I stood next to Hades on the stairs. Mal rolls her eyes. "Please..." Hades sticks out his tongue and acts like a crowd is cheering for him. I turn to look at him. "Do you wanna make up for being a lousy dad ?" I put out my hand. "Give me the ember." "The ember only works for me." Mal scoffs. "No. It'll work for us. We're blood." Hades chuckles at her words. "You two are only half Hades. The ember won't do everything for you that it does for me." He pulls it out of his pocket. I smile at him. "I'll take my chances." He looks  at Mal and I before placing the ember in my hands. I grab it as Mal and I start to work away. "If it gets wet, it's game over." Mal just waved at him and we kept walking.

Mal, Celia, and I start to head out. We are almost to the entrance when Celia speaks up. "I guess that's the reason he is always talking about you guys." Mal and I stop walking. Mal speaks up. "Evie is the only one who knows that he's our dad. And as far as we're concerned, he doesn't even exist." Celia nods and keeps walking. I follow her and Mal follows shortly after me.

Ben and Liam are now in Ben's room, trying to provide some sense of safety with the people who aren't asleep. Ben talks on the phone. "No. No, I want the Auradon guard handing out gas masks... Well, not everyone's asleep." He angrily hangs up the phone and puts it on his desk. Ben looks towards the attendant in his room. "Find out if anyone has seen Audrey. And find out if she has a list of demands." He quickly leaves and Ben starts to take off his jacket while sighing heavily. He sits in his chair and shares worried looks with Liam. Liam quickly stands up, looking behind Ben. Ben was about to look behind him when he heard, "Just one." Ben jumps out of his chair and looks back to see Audrey. "I demand my life back."

Ben looks both scared and confused. Audrey steps forward. "I have a proposition. I'll wake everybody up right now..." Liam's eyes widened at the thought. "Under one..." Audrey moves her hand over Ben's arm. "Itty-bitty condition, Benny-boo." She caresses his face. "Make me your Queen, and we'll rule side by side." Ben grabs her hands off his face. "Did someone put a spell on you ?" Audrey's face falls. "Just tell me who and..." "You'll what ? Marry them ?" Audrey giggles. Ben steps back and Liam runs to his brother's side. "Most people get dumped because they aren't good enough. I wasn't bad enough." Ben stares at her with wide eyes.

Audrey turns, "How do you like me now, Benny-boo ?" He steps forward as Liam goes to grab  his brother's arm. "I like the old Audrey better." Ben shakes his brother's arm off and walks forward more. "She wouldn't wanna hurt Auradon." Audrey looks down at the staff in her hand like the words Ben is saying are getting to her. "Just give me the scepter, and I'll forgive you." He reaches out his hand, but Audrey quickly switches the scepter to her other hand and holds one hand out. "You'll forgive me ? I don't think so. Sleeping is too good for you." She moves the scepter towards Ben and he falls to the ground. Liam runs forwards to help Ben, but Audrey hits him with the same spell. She quickly turns, "Sleeping is too good for Auradon !" She casts a spell and a beam of green goes out, turning everyone who wasn't asleep to stone.

Mal, Celia, and I met up with Jay, Carlos, and Evie as we headed for the barrier. "All right. Get in, get out. Jay, you're good ?" Mal asks him. "Ya." Mal stops us. "Ok, hold on." Jay uses the remote to open the barrier and we head out. I jump in shock at the electricity that shocks through my body from the ember. "Whoa. You got a little Hades thing going." Evie remarks to me. I hand it off to Mal, so she can see what it feels like. "Wow." Carlos looks at it. "That thing packs a punch, huh." We hear the barrier start to close and look back to see Gil and Harry jump through just in time.

"We made it, bro." "We made it." The two start celebrating and then, look at the six of us. Harry speaks up, "Hey, guys. We're just coming for a wee visit." They try to go through us, but Jay and Carlos push them back. They push Carlos into Mal and she drops the ember. "Come on. Hey. Hey." My eyes go wide. Mal gets it, but Harry uses his hook, so she loses it. And it ends up heading towards the ocean. "No !" Mal and I yell.

We're doomed.

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