Chapter 21: Cotillion Part Two

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We all crowded over the railing, staring down at Uma in shock and fear of what she would do

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We all crowded over the railing, staring down at Uma in shock and fear of what she would do. Uma stared up at us. "True love's kiss won't defeat this. The world will know my name !" She yells as one of her tentacles comes up and whacks the air above our heads, making everyone duck down and scream in fear. She does it a second time and we all back away from the railing. Mal and I look at each other before nodding and walking to a space away from everyone. We knew that we were the only people who could defeat Uma. Our eyes glowed green as we started to shake. Uma laughs at us before beckoning us to come and fight her. "Mal ?" "Andy ?" We stare at the boys before purple smoke surrounds us. I feel the power coursing through my veins before I am transformed into a dragon, with Mal by my side. We fly next to each other before sending a fireball straight towards Uma. It barely misses her and explodes in the water. Uma retaliates and sends a tentacle towards us. We move just in time. "Come on, Mal and Miranda ! Let's finish this once and for all." We both growl at her before nodding at each other. We each went to one side of her before flying down and shooting a line of fire at her. She dodges it, but not before getting slightly singed by the fire. We fly around and Uma sends a tentacle at the both of us, but misses. Mal gets a little too close to the ship and the people move out of the way while yelling in shock. We send another fireball towards her as she ducks underwater. We wait until she comes out. When she does, she screams and causes another huge blast of water to hit the boat. "Watch out !" The twins yell to everyone. The water blast also causes the boat to move side to side, causing the people to fall and move with the boat.

Ben and Liam look at each other once the boat is stable for going to the edge of the ship. They glance at the battle between me, Mal, and Uma. They both roar loudly, getting everyone's attention before taking off their crowns and jackets as they dive overboard. Carlos yells after them. "Wait. Ben ! Liam ! No !" "Ben ! Liam !" "Ben ! Liam !" Everyone runs to the side of the boat, hoping to see them surface. "Mal ! Miranda ! Hold on !" Liam yells when he surfaces. "Stop ! Back down !" Ben adds to the conversation. Uma laughs at the kings. "What are you gonna do, Ben ? Liam ? Splash me ?" She laughs again. Mal and I fly down and she stays behind Liam while I stay behind Ben. "That's enough. It's got to stop. This isn't the answer." Liam starts to say to us. "The fighting has got to stop. Nobody wins this way. We have to listen and respect each other." Ben adds to the conversation again. The three of us stare at each other while listening to Ben's words. "It won't be easy. But let's be brave enough to try." Ben nods at Liam's words. "Uma, I know you want what is best for the Isle. Help us make a difference. We can continue the program like we wanted to and help everyone." Ben and Liam hold a hand out to her. Uma looks at them, contemplating their words and her next actions. Mal and I snarl at her, warning her not to hurt the boys. Everyone watches with bated breath as a tentacle comes out of the water and goes towards Liam's open hand. She drops Liam's ring into his palm. Uma gives me a small smile before turning and ducking underwater, swimming away.

Liam and Ben swim towards the boat and climb up the ladder that Carlos and Jay had put out for them. Adam stands with the two boys, watching his sons come up. "There you go." He first helps up Liam, and then goes to get Ben. "Good job, Ben and Liam." Doug pats them on their shoulders. Everyone cheers for the two kings as they get situated on the boat. Belle goes up to her two sons and hands them both their crowns. They put them on and now, they stand in the middle of the boat. Everyone stares now at the two dragons that fly above the boat before coming down and purple smoke surrounds them. When the smoke disappears, Mal and I stand there in new beautiful dresses that make us seem like queens. We lightly it out the patches of the dresses that are smoking before looking at each other and slightly giggle. I look towards the group of people before catching Ben's eye. He grins at me and I can't help, but grin back at him. Mal and I both wave at the kings before having a silent conversation with our eyes. We both giggle and fall into a low curtsy. The two boys bow back at us. We stand up and two guards walk us down the stairs. Everyone applauds us as we walk down. We meet Evie at the end of the stairs. "Whoo." I breathe out. "So, we did not know that we could do that." "Tell me about it. That makes three of us." We all chuckle at each other before Evie blows on a spot of Mal's dress that is still smoking. "Thank you." "Shall we ?" "We shall." Evie stands in the middle of Mal and I while we each grab one of her hands. We walk towards Ben and Liam as we softly smile at them. Evie lets go of our hands and we stand in front of them. The twins look at each other before sending a smirk our way. At the same time, they grab our waists and pull us in for a kiss. I smile into it before Carlos pulls Ben away. "All right, all right, all right, all right."

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