Chapter 6: Tour of Auradon Prep

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Ben and Audrey turned around towards us to start the tour and Audrey has a tight grip on Ben's arm

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Ben and Audrey turned around towards us to start the tour and Audrey has a tight grip on Ben's arm. I can't help but glare at her. "Auradon Prep. Originally built over three hundred years ago and converted into a high school by my father when he became king."

Ben and Audrey led us towards a statue of the King. Ben claps his hands twice and the statue turns into a beast. Carlos screams and jumps into Jay's arms. Evie and I slightly laugh at Carlos and Jay's position and Mal looks at him like he is crazy and she wants to kill him. It's almost the exact same look that Audrey is giving him. Liam and Ben just smile at him.

"Carlos, it's ok. My father wanted his statue to morph between beast and man to show us that anything is possible."

Mal and I share a look. "Does he shed much ?" We ask in perfect unison. "Ya, our mom won't let him on the couch." Ben and Liam say back. The four of us smile at each other and Evie hides a small smile. Jay shoves Carlos off and they start to walk but not before Carlos claps two times, seeing if it would change and ran towards us.

The minute we stepped into the building, Mal's at it again. I rolled my eyes and I just wanted to get away from Audrey's glares and settle in. "So you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon like wands and things like that." Ben goes to answer, but Liam beats him to it. "Ya, it exists, of course. But it's pretty much retired. Most of us here are just ordinary mortals."

I can't help but point out, "Who happens to be Kings and Queens." The other VKs smirk. Ben smiles at me, about to say something, but Audrey beats him to it.

"That's true." She forcibly puts Ben's arm over her shoulder. "Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years." Ben and Liam awkwardly laugh. Ben looks towards Liam for help and he directs him towards a friend of theirs. Ben gets the hint.

"Doug. Doug, come down." Ben gets his arm off Audrey's shoulder and goes towards the stairs where their friend makes his way down. Audrey smiles at me, acting like nothing happened and the other VKs share a knowing look of hatred on my face.

"This is Doug. He is going to help you with your dorms." Ben walks back over and stands next to Liam. "I'll see you later, ok." said Ben, staring into my eyes while Liam stares into Mal's. "And if there is anything you need, feel free to ask..." "Doug." Audrey interrupts again. I am really starting to hate this girl.

We awkwardly laugh with Ben looking back and forth between us. Liam decides to start directing us to the door and leads us out.

The VKs look towards Doug. "Hey, guys. I'm Dopey's son. As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Sleepy, Grumpy, and..." Doug catches Evie's eye. "Hi Ho." Evie smirks and goes to introduce herself. Mal and I share a knowing look, saying that she found a crush. "Evie, Evil Queen's daughter." There is a lot of irony right there with their families. "Incredible. So about your classes, I put in the requirements already. History, Safety Rules For The Internet, and... Uh... Remedial Goodness 101."

Mal smirks at me from behind Doug. "Let me guess, new class ?" She pops a candy into her mouth and turns to us. "Come on, guys, let's go find our dorms." Jay, Evie, and Carlos follow Mal up the stairs while I just smiled at Doug, waiting for him to show me where the dorms really are.

"That's not the correct way, isn't it ?" He shakes his head no. "Guys, dorms aren't that way. How about we let Doug show us where they are, since we have no idea where we are going." I smirked at them and turned back towards Doug, smiling at him. The four VKs turn around on the grand staircase, realizing that I was right and start to head down the stairs. "Dopey, Doc, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and..." "Sneezy." Carlos reminds him.

Doug finally catches up to the VKs, showing us where the boys' room was. They said their goodbyes and he led us to our room. He showed us to the door and he then had to run to band practice. I unlocked our door and we walk inside the room. There were two beds on either side of the middle one. We each had a desk and a bedside table. Our stuff was already in the room, but the most noticeable thing about the room was the color.

It was Pink !!

And Evie and I liked it.

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