Opening up - Chapter 14

Start from the beginning

Marinette steadied her voice. "H-hey Alya, what's up?"

"Have you seen Adrien? Nino is looking for him", Alya asked, Chat Noir held in a laugh.

"Uh nope I have not seen him. Is that all?" Marinette was growing annoyed, but Chat Noir's presence calmed her down.

"Well I actually have big news! Nadja Chamack wants me, Ladybug, and Chat Noir to all be on her show at the same time!"

Marinette and Chat Noir were both shocked, unaware that they were supposed to show up on a show they were never invited to. "Wow, that's awesome! When?"

"Tomorrow night! I'll send you the video of the commercial for Nadja Chamack's upcoming live. Hey are you busy right now?"

"Yes, yes I'm busy right now. But, I'm so proud of you Alya!"

"Thanks, Mari. Call me later, okay?"

"Yep!" Marinette ended the call quickly and threw her phone across her bed.

Chat stopped kissing her neck for a second to look up at her. "Busy, huh?"

Marinette playfully shoved him. "What else was I supposed to say? 'Yeah Alya, right now I'm being kissed by our famous superhero, Chat Noir! Who, not to mention, is also my boyfriend!'"

Chat Noir laughed and reclined on her pillows. "You're cute when you get angry."

"Oh, you think I'm cute when I'm angry? Well then I'm about to be GORGEOUS if you won't stop messing with me!" Marinette laughed. Once they both stopped laughing, Marinette glanced longingly at Chat Noir. "I'm glad you told me, kitty."

Chat smiled warmly. "Me too, princess", he sat up, embracing her.

He was about to let go, until Marinette stopped him. "Wait don't pull away. Not yet."

Chat obeyed and hugged her tighter. "I wish I could stay like this forever."

Marinette smiled and grazed his back with her hand in response.

A little later, they went up to the balcony for some fresh air since it had stopped raining. Chat was about to sit on the ledge when Marinette stopped him. "No don't do that, it's not safe."

"It's really cute when you try to protect me and all, but you're like a foot smaller than me, ya know?"

"Fine, but don't go asking me for help if you fall", Marinette folded her arms.

"I'm a superhero, I think I'll be okay", Chat Noir swept a lose hair of hers and placed it behind her ear. "Anyways, it's getting late, I should probably go."

Marinette grew a little upset at the thought of him leaving, but he was right. "Okay, goodnight my kitty."

Chat Noir got down from the ledge and stood in front of her. "I can't leave until you at least hug me."

Marinette smiled and hugged around his waist, since he was right, she is a foot smaller than him.

She waved goodbye and watched him disappear from her view.


Recently, Marinette had started working on a design for Chat Noir. She began sewing it the next day in her free time.

It was a comfy black outfit with cat ears and a mask. She made it so that Chat Noir could detransform and his kwami could rest without revealing his identity. 

When she was about to work on the mask, she heard a boom outside and immediately knew what it was.

"Tikki, spots on!" She transformed into Ladybug and concealed herself as she went out through her trap door. When she was souring through Paris towards the akuma, it felt like it had been FOREVER since there was an akuma attack.

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