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"Hello George, I'm Clay." it reads.

What the hell? George never thought that his neighbor would actually respond, this is a head start! he just made a good communication.

"So he's a guy.. i wonder how he looks like and how old is he, hope it's not a grandpa." George laughs at his own words; he immediately grabbed his pad and flips it to a new empty page, then he writes "How old are you?" George places the pad back to the window, hoping that Clay would respond again.

"His name is actually nice." George chuckles and glances at Clay's window, but no sign of anyone or anything in the room. "Why is his room so dark? You know what, let's just ignore it and be patient, he's still probably packing and fixing his things." George then sat back to his bed, grabs his phone then went to youtube for entertainment.

Minutes have passed when George stops watching, he got up from his bed and looks outside the window, hoping that Clay did reply already. He did.

I'm 21, you?

He's still young, George was surprised. He can't believe he had a neighbor near his age, since most of the neighbors he had were usually in 40's.

George took his pad and wrote "I'm 24, i'm glad that you're not in like 70's." he laughs at his own joke and pasted his pad once again in the window, George was about to leave his window sill because he knows that Clay wouldn't respond instantly but then- he caught a sight of Clay's pad being removed from Clay's own window. George was taken aback as he saw a person, but he can barely see them since Clay's room was quite dark.

But George noticed that it's a man, and it's probably Clay. He had dirty blonde hair, he's also wearing a black hoodie, looking down while writing something so George can't exactly see how or what Clay's face actually looks like. Then, Clay stopped writing and showed his pad in the window.

It's funny that they're only communicating using pads from their window, even though their windows were only few meters away.

"You're lucky i'm not." it says, George giggles and writes on his own.

"I like your hair." George didn't think of anything else and just pasted his pad on his window, not caring about what he wrote.

In other side, Clay was surprised.

Clay then immediately replied "Are you flirting with me?" he wrote back but only meant those jokingly.

The british lad's face went red, he didn't realize on what he's saying. But regardless, George knows that it's a fact and he just wanted to keep their conversation going. George doesn't want this to end.

"I'm not, can't i compliment you?" after showing it to the window, George waited for the response.

"It's fine, you're cute anyways." George just wanted to disappear from the earth.

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