I knew this was going take a long time so I grabbed my lunch and walked over to my homie Kenma. He sat on the grass leaning against the tree playing on his Switch. I flop down next to him but he didn't sense my presence, I swear this kid could get kidnapped and he wouldn't even realize it. I can see him spamming on the buttons as if his life depends on it, Game Over appears on the screen

He let out a loud groan of disappointment, I start chewing on my food while still staring at his console. I didn't noticed that he started to stare at me

"Y/n you sure know how to sneak on people" Kenma flicked my forehead

"Oww what do you mean, I literally made so much noise when I sat down. It was you who was oblivious of my presence. Anyways, here want some." I offer him some of my lunch while holding my chopsticks that had food on it infront if his face "say ahh"

"I'm not a child y/n I can feed myself" he sighs and switched his attention towards his game again

"If you don't start eating I'll take away your game" I couldn't help but to pinch on his nose.

He paused his game and looked at me deeply and opened his mouth as a sign to start feeding him, I gladly shoved the food in his mouth

"Good boy" I pat his head

"Oi y/n who is is this Tora guy?" Karina shouted

Me and Kenma turned our heads towards Karina. She was holding a letter that had bunny patterns on it. I place my lunch on Kenma's lap and walk towards her

I sit next to her and read over the letter. I couldn't help but to cringe, the letter was about how he admired me and how we were destined for eachother. He also said how we would be a perfect couple and how he would treat me well.

I ripped the letter into pieces and threw them in the garbage can. I felt disgusted, I got up and went back to my seat with Kenma. I lay my head on his shoulder, the bento on his lap was left untouched. I grabbed his console and made sure to save his game before shutting it off.

"I told you to eat Kenma, I dont want you to pass out for not eating properly. Eat now"

Its true I was worried for his health, Kuroo mentioned how he would sometimes skip breakfast and lunch just to have more time to play. If this continues he would lose weight and soon pass out of hunger.

I looked at him dead in the eye, not losing eye contact. As much as I loved to admire his eyes, I needed to look serious. He frowned in defeat and began eating.

My head still on his shoulder, it felt nice. I eyelids started to get heavy and I slowly drifted off to sleep.


" loveb..gt..p"
"Lovebirds get up"

I open my eyes slightly trying to adjust to the sunlight. I knew that I was still sleeping on Kenma's shoulder but I felt weight on top of my head, I turn my head he's sleeping

He had pieces of rice on his lips. I look to see who woke me up, Kuroo had a smirk on his face and had his phone out as well. Next to him was Yamamoto and Lev, they were looking at us as if we were zoo animals

"I never knew kenma-san would ever make a move on y/n-chan" -Lev

"Kenma lunch is about to be over. Y/n will be late for her class if you don't get off her "

Kenma woke up, he seemed pissed that he woke up from his nap. I get up and pat on my skirt to dust off the dirt. I reach out my hand to help kenma up, he grabbed my hand and got up. The trio seemed to go and pack up their lunch, I hand Kenma his console back.


Before I could walk away from the group kenma grabbed my wrist and got closer to me, he then whispered

"Black suits you alot"

He had blush on his cheeks, I didn't understand what he meant so I just nodded and left.

While walking to class I looked down at my clothes to see if I was wearing black, nope

And then it hit me, when I was patting my skirt before...he saw my underwear

I face flushed red

Boke kenma, boke


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