How you met

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Archie Andrews : Your passion for singing interested Archie. After putting up posters that you were looking for a partner to turn your solo act into a duet, Archie offers and you two eventually bond every day practicing together in the music room.

Jughead Jones : Stressed out on trying to figure out what to do for your next chapter in a story you've been working on, you go to Pop's to have some food as a refreshment before working on it some more. When arriving, you meet Jughead and you both help each other with your stories and come up with ideas to make your them better.

Veronica Lodge : Considering both your parents are extremely into business, they were working on a big project together leading you and Veronica to spend a lot more time together while they were in conferences and meetings.

Betty Cooper : With your passion for writing, especially about the gossip around school you signed up to join the school Newspaper. After joining, you spend many hours with Betty in that room, causing you both to catch feelings for one another.

Kevin Keller : You have always wanted to become an actor when you got older, you would always offer assistance whenever Kevin needed it for his musicals. Eventually, you became permanent partners and worked at his house to come up with new ideas allowing you both to fall in love.

Fangs Fogarty : Fangs was always known for his kindness to most, but he could get aggressive if wanted. While other bulldogs including Mantle were bullying you for being gay, Fangs stood up for you and you both hung out a lot more often.

Sweet Pea : First meeting at the Whyte Wyrm, you beat him at pool which got his attention. During school hours he catches your rebellious attitude and starts to flirt with you as his way of catching a girl.

Toni Topaz : Not only were you a serpent, but you worked as a bartender there with Toni. Staying late at night to work and eventually being the last to close up the bar, led you two to sleep over at each other's houses often because of how tired you were.

Cheryl Blossom : You've known each other for quite a while, yet you were never close. But Cheryl never bullied you and you never took part in anything against Cheryl. Until one day you found her crying in the locker room you comforted her, making her adore you.

Reggie Mantle : The most common place you both would be found was the gym. You both would stay the latest, exercising, working out and practicing. You both admired your hard work and dedication into your activities letting you both to develop feelings.

Josie McCoy : While trying to get extra pocket money for an instrument you worked at the record store where the rest of the pussycats met. When you thought you were closing up the store alone you started to sing and Josie was attracted to your voice.

FP Jones : FP as the Riverdale High badboy and you as rebellious trouble maker just makes you a destined couple. It's just the sweet story of high school sweethearts.

Fred Andrews : You always had a thing for houses and construction, especially since you were an architect. When Fred called you in and asked to help his crew out, you happily did spending late nights working with Fred.

Chuck Clayton : After Chuck almost got boiled in a hot tub by Veronica Lodge and Betty Cooper he changes, letting you take interest in him since you both had several classes together.

Polly Cooper : You both met at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, you were always there at Polly's worst and stood up for her even if it meant you weren't allowed out of your room for the rest of the week.

Alice Smith : It's not easy to not show interest in Alice. After she broke it off with Hal, you brought her back to her rebellious ways, letting her enjoy life instead of stressing it out to be a perfect family.

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