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This is like the same ending as the movie, so it's all in Gordie's pov.

As time went on we saw less and less of Teddy and Vern until eventually they became just two more faces in the halls. That happens sometimes. Friends come in and out of your life like busboys in a restaurant. I heard that Vern got married out of High-school, had four kids and is now the forklift operator at the Arsenal Lumberyard. Teddy tried several times to get into the Army but his eyes and his ear kept him out. The last I heard, he'd spent some time in jail. He was now doing odd jobs around Castle Rock.

Chris and North did get out again. They enrolled in the College-courses with me, staying together all through high school. They still don't know that I saw the little moment they had at the fire. And although it was hard for Chris, he gutted it out like he always did. They both went on to College and he eventually became a lawyer. Last week I heard they had entered a fast food restaurant. Just ahead of them, two men got into an argument. One of them pulled a knife. Chris who would always make the best peace tried to break it up. He was stabbed in the throat. He died almost instantly. North who had witnessed the whole thing, making one of the men panic at the fact. Doing the same to her. They died on the same day, same night, in a 2 minute time frame.

Although I haven't seen them in more than ten years I know I'll miss them forever. I never had any friends later on like the ones I had beginning at twelve. Jesus, does anybody?

AHHHHH WE'RE DONE. Oh, man. I hope you guys liked it lol I appreciate you reading this, a lot. Stand by me will forever be one of my favourite/comfort movies because well River Phoenix is just AHHH and it's a great movie overall lol. I'm way to obsessed with old movies and the boys hehe, I'm literally writing one about the sandlot and have written one about the outsiders. I think I seriously need help💀

Also, can we just acknowledge the fact how gorgeous River Phoenix was:

Also, can we just acknowledge the fact how gorgeous River Phoenix was:

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She's back in town // Chris ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now