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As I saw the treehouse in distance so I started walking. There was still a light on though, wonder who's up there. I did the secret knock, whoever it was let me in.

It was Chris, I'm glad it was. "Hey, what're you..." he stopped mid sentence, noticing what happened. "Jesus what the hell happened!" he put his hand up to my cheek.

I stared into his eyes as he was examining the bruise, I missed him the most if I'm being honest. We locked eyes for second, until I snapped out of it. "Nothing, I'm fine" I put on a smile and pushing away his hand.

He looked at me with the bitch I know you're lying face, that one always got me. "Like hell you are!" he raised his voice a bit. "I am seriously, it's my fault anyway" I sat down crisscross on the other side of the treehouse across from him.

He got up and and walked towards me, "I literally just got here" I said, watching him sit down next to me. "I know, it's not fair" he lit a cigarette. We all smoked, including me. It's a bad habit, we probably won't live to be 30.

He handed me one, I took it and lit it. I sighed, leaning my head back and letting out the smoke. I could see Chris looking at me and my cheek from the corner of my eye. "It's fine Chris, it doesn't even hurt", not anymore at least.

He shook his head, "that's why you came here, because of your dad?" He looked back up at me with more of a frown.

I nodded my head, "yup" I said, starting to fidget with my hands. He looked straight ahead, "why are you still here?" I questioned,  he should've been gone shortly after I left.

He shrugged, "I'm always here, I'm rarely ever home now" he said, looking back at me.

Things must've gotten worse when I left, especially since he couldn't come stay at my house anymore because of my mom. She always liked Chris, even with the rumours. She knew Chris, just like I did. Some people are so quick to judge based on someone's appearance or family. My mother wasn't one of those people, I'm glad I take after her.

"Mind if I stay with you?" I giggled, pinching my lips together into a smile. He smiled back, "I wouldn't mind the company" he said, playfully nudging me in the arm. I smiled at him and moved closer to him.

By now I had finished my cig so I put the remaining in the ashtray. I sat back down next to Chris and brought my knees up to my chest.

"You think I'll ever get out of here again" I said,  resting my arms on my knees and putting my head on them. "Only if you bring me with you" he said, turning to me and smiling.

I lifted my head and smiled at him, "ok Chambers, deal." we both skinned it. We were both now starting to get tired so I leaned my head on his shoulder, he rested his on top of mine. I haven't fallen asleep this fast since the last sleepover we all had in the treehouse.

Me and Chris woke up the next morning and decided to take a walk around town. We ended up meeting Teddy and Gordie on our walk, that seemed to happen a lot, it's a small town.

It was just us four up in the treehouse, I was leaning against the wall reading the newspaper and watching Teddy, Chris and Gordie play 31.

"Hey how do you know a Frenchman's been in your backyard?" Chris asked Teddy from across the little table. "Hey, I'm French, okay." Teddy said, putting his hand up to his chest.

"Your garbage cans are empty and your dogs pregnant" Chris laughed, Gordie laughing with. I shook my head and laughed along with them.

"Didn't I just say I was French?" Teddy was getting all offended. I giggled at him, looking back at the paper.

"I knock" Chris said, looking up from his hand. "Shit" Teddy said, looking back at his hand.
"Piss up a rope!" Gordie slammed his hand of cards down and yanking the newspaper from my hand, leaning back. I scoffed and flipped him off.

"Gordie's out. Oh Gordie just bit the bag and stepped out the door!" Teddy started, laughing at Gordie. "Shut up, Teddy" I said, nudging his arm. "Ow" he mumbled, rubbing the place ok his arm that I nudged.

"Yeah, come on, man, deal" Chris said, lighting a cigarette. Teddy started to deal, I went and sat down next to Chris to play with him.

"I knock" Teddy said, looking up at us. Me and Chris looked up at him shocked in unison. "You foureyed pile of shit!" Chris yelled, looking at Teddy then me in disbelief.

"This pile of shit has a thousand eyes!" Teddy said, widening his eyes at us. I exchanged glances with Chis and Gordie as we all started laughing our asses off.

"What? What's so funny? Come on, I've got thirty, what have you got? Teddy said, looking at us confused.

"Sixteen" Chris was still laughing. "Go ahead, keep laughing." Teddy began to laugh after, as Chris started to deal.

We all kept laughing at Teddy for a little bit, Teddy was crazy. Everyone in town knows him because of his dad and the ear thing. His dad held it to a stove and almost burnt it off.

We all started talking like normal when we heard knocking coming from bellow the latch, "that's not the secret knock" Gordie said, flipping a page of the newspaper.

"I forget the secret knock! Cmon open up!"

"Vern!" We all said in unison, as Teddy and Chris moved the table off the latch.

"Oh man, you guys are not gonna believe this. This is so boss. Oh man, wait'll you hear this. You won't believe it. It's unbelievable. Let me catch my breath, I ran all the way from my house" Vern said, taking deep breaths in between and talking fast.

I looked around at the guys, mischievous smirks plastered across our faces. "I ran all the way home. Just to say I'm sorry, sorry" we all sang to Vern. I can't believe I remembered that.

"Come on, guys, listen to me. Guys, come on! Okay, forget it. I'll tell you nothing" he said, getting all frustrated with us.

"Alright, guys, alright. What is it man?" Chris said, waving at us to keep it down. "Okay, great. You won't believe this, sincerely" Vern was about to keep going.

"I ran all the way home!" We all started back up again, laughing more this time. "Screw you guys" Vern said, leaning back and completely giving up.

"Okay, Vern what is it" I chuckled quietly, making sure the guys listened for real this time.

He sat up straight, "Can you guys camp out tonight? I mean if you tell your folks, we're gonna camp out in my backfield?" He said, looking back and forth between all of us.

"My dad doesn't give two shits so yeah" I said, bringing my knees up to my chest. I could see Chris looking at me then look away, he does that a lot.

"I think so, except my dads kind of on a mean streak. You know, he's been drinking a lot lately" Chris said, dealing the cards.

"You got to man, sincerely! You won't believe this, can you Gordie?" Vern basically begged. "Yeah, probably" Gordie sounded bored, continuing to read his newspaper.

"So what are you pissin' and moanin' about Verno?" Teddy asked Vern, before Vern could answer, Chris spoke.

"I knock" he said, smirking at Teddy. I smirked with him, I was next to him so I could see his hand. We were basically playing together now. "What! You liar, you ain't deal yourself no pat-hand" Teddy said, in complete disbelief.

"Make your draw, shitheap" I said, leaning closer to Teddy, backing up Chris.

"You guys wanna go see a dead body?"

She's back in town // Chris ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now