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Back to North's pov btw

We ended up in front of this big bridge that held the train tracks, we'd have to walk across or go around.

"Anyone know when the next train is do?" Vern asked, keeping eyes on the other side of the tracks. "We could go down to the route-136-bridge" Gordie suggested.

"What, are you crazy? That's five miles down the river! You walk five miles down the river you gotta walk five miles back. If we go across here, we'll get to the same place in ten minutes" Teddy complained, waving his hand around as he was talking.

"He has a point" I agreed, "Yeah. But what if a train comes, there's nowhere to go" Vern said, looking at me, then back at the bridge.

"You just jump" Teddy shrugged. I looked at him wide eyed, "Teddy it's a hundred feet!".

"Yeah, Teddy" Vern agreed, "okay, you guys can go around if you want. Me and North are crossing here and while you guys are dragging your candy-asses half way across the state, I'll be waiting for you on the other side, relaxing with my thoughts" Teddy said, even though I hadn't even agreed to walking across yet.

I shook my head and laughed, "you use your left hand or your right hand for that?" Gordie said, raising his eyebrows at Teddy.

"You wish" Teddy finished, turning around to start walking. I was about to start walking across beside Chris, when I noticed Vern and Gordie looking hesitant. I walked back toward them, telling Chris to go ahead without me.

"Hey! We haven't got all day, boys" I said, stepping over the cracks on the bridge. They looked at me, almost scared. I walked up and put my arms around their shoulders, "cmon, it'll be fiine".

We started walking, Vern started crawling on his hands and knees a few minutes after we started, he's such a pussy... but we love him anyway.

Me and Gordie were following behind Vern, step by step, it was honestly getting on my nerves. "Could you crawl any faster, Vern?" I said, tilting my head back in annoyance.

"I'm trying, NOrth!" He complained, his voice cracking a bit. Me and Gordie giggled at his voice crack, "hey, you were right about the college-courses thing" he nudged me in the arm.

I looked at him with a smile, "good, glad I get to help you on your journey to becoming successful" I said, giving him "jazz hands". He shook his head, "I don't know about that but yeah, you're helping me I guess" he finished with a chuckle.

"Gordie I'm not kidding, you could seriously making huge bucks on your stories" I nudged him in the arm. "as long as you share with me" I joked and winked. "No promises" he smirked.

I shook my head and laughed as we continued to walk in silence. I saw Vern fall flat on his stomach, reaching through the cracks on the bridge, "I lost the comb" he sounded very upset.

Me and Gordie shook our heads, "forget it, Vern" Gordie said, almost sounding annoyed. Cant blame him Vern was taking his sweet ass time.

He finally kept craaawling, we were about half way across the bridge. Teddy and Chris were way ahead of us. I swear if a train comes, I wouldn't be surprised if Vern just lets it him, instead of just running.

I noticed Gordie crouch down and touch the rails, I didn't think anything of it he's probably just being paranoid. I kept walking only to notice Gordie was still behind me, crouched down. "What's up, Gordie?" I asked, concerned and confused.

He looked up at me in pure fear, it's like I read his mind. We both looked back at the track that was cut off by trees. Only to notice smoke coming our way.

A fucking train.

Gordie shot up, "TRAAAIIIINNN!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, making everyone turn our way. Teddy and Chris started running the rest off the tracks. Meanwhile me and Gordie were struggling to get Vern off his hands and knees.

"Go man, go!! Get up Vern! Shit Vern, Get up!!" Along with some other things we were yelling at Vern to get up. The train was only getting closer and we were getting nowhere.

We finally managed to get Vern on his feet, only for him to trip and fall. "VERN, get up man!!" Gordie yelled, as we were trying to pull him off the tracks he had latched himself on to.

"But I'm gonna fall!" He cried out, I looked behind me. The train was getting closer, if we didn't move now, we were literally going die.

My heart was beating a million miles an hour and I even went a little numb. I didn't know what to do, Vern wasn't getting up and we couldn't even go around (not that I would, just saying).

I did the first thing that came to mind.

I slapped Vern across the face to snap him out of it, "Vern, if you don't get the hell up, we're gonna die." I told him in my most serious voice ever, almost even calm. He just stared at me, pure fear in his eyes. His cheek was turning pink in the form of my hand, I didn't even hit him that hard.

He nodded his head and got up. We were finally moving but, that train was going faster. I could see Teddy and Chris jumping up and down, yelling at us to go faster. We were doing the same to Vern, he was just crying.

I looked behind us one more time, only to notice the train being right there. So I did the only reasonable thing to do. We were getting closer to the end and were no long over the water, so it wouldn't be that far of a drop.

I shoved Gordie and Vern over, making us land off the tracks into some rocks and dirt. One of those rocks having made contact with my head.

The train finally passed, Teddy and Chris running over to see us dusting off our shirts, "Holy. Shit." I heard Chris say, running over to me and helping me up. "Jesus that was close man, are you okay?" He said, pulling me into a hug.

I hugged him back, "y-yeah I'm fine" I said, still a little in shock. "Shit, your head" he said, pushing my hair behind my ear to reveal a cut close to my hairline. It was bleeding down my forehead.

I didn't even care at that point, I was just looking at Chris. His icy blue eyes made the sky look dull. He was looking at my head so he didn't notice... or so I thought.

Yeah, he noticed.

We were now staring into each other's eyes, I blinked a few times to snap me out of it. This also making Chris do the same, "it's ugh, it's fine" I said, wiping the flood off my forehead. He looked deep into my eyes again, this guy is everything.

I noticed the guys staring at us, "you guys done?" Gordie said, with a boyish smirk plastered on his face. I squinted my eyes at him, "shut up" I giggled, kicking more dirt at him.

Teddy shook his head, putting his hands on his hips, looking impressed. "Man. That was the old-time train dodge, too cool. Vern you were so scared you looked like the fat guy in Abbot and Costello the time he saw the mummy."

"I wasn't that scared!"

"Vern!" We all yelled at him in unison, not believing his shit. "No, really, I wasn't. Sincerely."

"Vern! North slapped the shit outta you!" Teddy said, pointing to the hand mark I left on his cheek. "What does that have to do with any of this!"

"She did it because you were being too much of a pussy and would rather just die!" Teddy argued. "Oh please, she didn't even hit me hard! She's a girl" Vern argued back, I slapped him pretty hard.

I hate when people bring up the fact that I'm a girl and can't do stuff. I can do anything handed to me, the same as any man.

I gave Vern my death stare, "I- I didn't mean it like that- I- just... I-" he stuttered, afraid of me. I had that affect on a lot of people. "Your ass is grass" I pointed at him.

"Oh shit!" He yelled, taking off running. I ran after him, I was definitely a lot faster then Vern. I tackled him to the ground, pulling on his cheeks, "I take it back!" He laughed, I got off of him.

"Good" I gave him a serious look, turning it into a laugh, putting my arm around his shoulder as we all kept walking to our next destination.

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