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"Suck my fat one? Who ever told you had a fat one, Lachance?" Chris smirked at Gordie. "Biggest one in four counties." Gordie smirked back, I just shook my head.

"Yeah." Chris giggled, bringing his attention to me, "never do that again. Got it?" He pointed at me then the cut I had forgotten about. "Never do what again?" I asked confused. He sighed, "never put yourself in front of me like that, I'd rather me get hurt then you." He ripped off a part of the bottom of his shirt, wrapping it around my arm.

"Agree to disagree" I smirked at him, staring into his eyes as he was focused on my arm. He shook his head and laughed.

The thing is, I'd rather me get hurt then him. He has so much to live for and has never gotten out of this town like he's always wanted too. He means more to me then anyone to ever live.

Vern and Teddy finally joined us, we stood staring at the Brower kid's body. "Are we gonna take him?" Vern asked. "No." Gordie answered for us, I agreed with him. Although Teddy didn't feel the same, "But we came all this way. We're supposed to be heroes." Gordie shook his head, still upset looking, "Not this way, Teddy. Chris, gimme a hand." They covered the kid's body with the blankets we had brought for the stretcher.

We headed home. And although many thoughts raced through our minds we barely spoke. We walked through the night and made it back to Castle Rock a little past five o'clock on Sunday morning, the day before Labor Day. We'd only been gone two days. But somehow the town seemed different. Smaller.

"Well. See you in school." Vern spoke up as we stopped in our tracks to say our goodbyes to Teddy and Vern. "Yeah." Me, Gordie and Chris said in unison, making us all giggle.

Teddy sighed, "See you in Junior High." I gave him a sad smile, the thought of the group being split up broke my heart. I gave Vern a hug and flicked him in the back of the head, he laughed at my actions and began to walk away.

"Penny!" He picked one up off the ground and stuffed it in his pocket, skipping away. Me and Chris shook our heads. "Oh guys I better get home before my mom puts me out on ten most wanted list." We both skinned it. We watched Teddy walk away only to stop in his tracks and turn to us. "Hey Chris? No hard feelings, okay?"

"No way, man." Chris smiled, watching Teddy turn on his heels and continue to walk home singing.

I'm never gonna get out of this town, am I?" He asked me and Gordie as we stood staring at the town. "You can do anything you want, man." Gordie smiled, I nodded my head in agreement. "Yeah, sure." He laughed.

I sighed at the realization I should probably go home before my dad freaks out. "I should probably get going" I put my hands in my pockets, the boys looking at me upset. "See you in school" Gordie hugged me, as we pulled away and skinned it. Chris doing the same.

I locked eyes with Chris once more before turning and walking away. I knew this wouldn't be the last time we saw each other but it sure felt like it.

Chris's pov:
Me and Gordie watched as North walked off, god I wish she would've stayed. Gordie looked back at me, I still had my eyes on North. "So?" He smirked. I looked at him confused, "so, what?" He shook his head, "are you guys together or not!" I widened my eyes and laughed. "I don't know, sorta? Maybe? I don't know, man" I shrugged, of course I wanted to be but I never asked.

"You better run after her and ask before someone at school does!" He laughed. Shit, he was right. If I didn't ask her sooner or later I could loose her to some gUy at school. I smiled in excitement, "alright, man. I'll do it!"

He smiled, "good, I'll see you." I smiled back, "Not if I see you first." I started walking away, looking back at Gordie shooing me away with his hands. I laughed and started to run after her. She couldn't have gotten too far, maybe close to her house.

And just as I turned a corner, I saw her. She was kicking rocks with her shoe. Alright, Chambers. Man up.

North's pov:

"North! Hey, Jones, wait up!" I heard a familiar voice call me from afar. I turned to see Chris Chambers jogging up to me. "Oh hey, Cham-" my words were cut off by a kiss.

He pulled me in by my waist, keeping his hands there. I was so caught off guard that I wasn't doing anything with my hands so I put them around his neck. Considering this was only our second kiss, we both found out that we are hella good kissers. My stomach filled with adrenaline and butterflies, still managing to be there as we pulled away.

We were still face to face, "hi" I blushed and giggled. His cheeks went red, "hi" he chuckled, "I've been meaning to ask you something" he stared into my eyes, I did the same. "And what would that be?" I chuckled, I'm hoping that it's what I'm thinking. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked, a nervous smile plastered on his face. I could basically feel my face start to glow with a smile from ear to ear, "Of course I will, Chambers" His face lit up as he loosened up a bit, smiling wide, "good because I wasn't taking no for an answer" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "hey, there's something on your shirt." I pointed at his chest. "What" he looked down, only to fall right into my trap. I flicked his nose, making his mouth drop. "I'll see you, Chambers" I winked, turning around and walking away.

I could hear him chuckle, "not if I see you first, Jones!"

I smiled to myself at the moment we just had, I finally had my dream boy.

She's back in town // Chris ChambersWhere stories live. Discover now